Montgomery County, Arkansas 

Mt Ida 1942. What is that stone cairn in the middle of the street? A road sign at a street turnaround.
 ________, 40 Consolidated Stores Co., ______,  Whittington's Soda Drugs, Holt Hardware, Mount Ida Produce Co.
That was Holt Hardware next to Whittington's Pharmacy, with the high sign over the front. See the benches out front? You could sit out there and see who came to town, who was brought in by the sheriff, who went into the Courthouse, and who brought in a string of fish, a big buck, or a mountain lion to show off.

Cotton was an important cash crop. There were at least six cotton gins in the county. Local and out of town buyers would telephone Little Rock for the current market prices. Bales would be hauled to Womble to be shipped out by train. Farmers planted a small patch of cotton for personal use. Women would spin thread to be woven into cloth and loose cotton was carded to make batting for quilts. George and West St. intersection. Another postcard another postcard

Ouachita Theatre, Mt Ida Cafe, Whittington Pharmacy, Mt Ida, Ark.


Baptist Church, Mt. Ida, mailed from Caddo Gap,1950

Post marked Mount Ida, ARK 1947  1 cent stamp

Dear Folks:
Stayed here at Mt. Ida in the Ouachita Mts. last nite.
Spent most of yesterday in Hot Springs with Bangerts and they took us on a sight seeing tour & to a chicken pot pie dinner. I think I gained another 5lbs.
                                                                                     Love Myrtle & Ted. Nov. 12.


 Advertising on the back reads: Mt. Ida Gift Shop and Cafe. Gateway to Beautiful Lake Ouachita Recreation Areas, Mt. Ida, Arkansas.
Divided back. Chrome. MWM Color-Litho Bursheen Finished. Published by: Clayton Downs, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
A zip code is given dating this to the 1960s or 1970s.
The signs include: Real Estate, Williams Robins Real Estate, Insurance. Mt. Ida Gift Shop. Mt. Ida Cafe.
What makes of cars are out in front?

Photographers in Arkansas

Shrader photo
courthouse sq. mules

Montgomery County ARGenWeb