Mountain Home Church Records,
Montgomery County,
Mountain Home Church and the cemetery is located in southeast Montgomery County, Arkansas. Location Hickory Station on old maps. Findagrave listed 126 records as of 24th April 2024 including 34 Driggars / Driggers. The oldest graves are William Marion CROSS, no headstone and the Millsapps from 1901. There is at least one Civil War veteran buried there William Garland TACKETT, Co. D. 2 GA Cav. buried Mountain Home 1828-1917.
There was a school in the vicinity named Mountain Home area Caddo Gap School District #27. F. Nelson was superintendent of Mountain Home School in 1888, W. H. Caldwell in 1889 and T. J. Millsaps in 1894, J A. Tackett in 1895, G. A. Driggers in 1899. In 1923 W.E. Flat president and N.S. Roberts secretary.
The Mountain Home Church Record Book has been held by the Driggers family, images kindly made available by Billy Driggers, as of April 25th 2024.
Mountain Home Church Record 1890 page 9
W.F. Caldwell, Jim Caldwell, Lile Tackett and W.R. Caldwell.
Elbert Golden.
Sisters Ellen Driggars, Josephine Reece and Julia Tackett, Mary Jane Tackett.
signed by J.J. Stughs and J.C. Thomas UR
OU term 1890
After sermon by Pastor, met in Copland opener, in__, when the Deacons
of the church came forward and ___ed Bettie Walch came forward and stated
her experience and was unto own Christian fellowship performed.
Communion until next meeting ___ Sunday at 10 o'clock to attend to the annioned? of beneflition?
Aug. 22. J.J. Staughs and J.C. Thomas, UR.
Two columns Way of Reception
By ex_____ and by letter
page 152 Names of Female Members of Mountain Home Baptist Church This August 17th 1912 1. Mary L. Driggars Died 2. R.J. Driggars 3. M.J. Nelson 4. M.L. Thomas Died 5. N.E. Thomas 6. Sallie Driggars 7. Mary Tackett Died 8. Ella Howton (mistake - not a member) 9. Hattie Driggars Dismissed by letter.10. M.E. Tackett Dismissed by letter 11. Jessie Millsapps Dismissed by letter 12. Mattie Hawthorne Died 13. Fannie Tackett Dismissed by letter 14. Etta Featherston Dismissed by letter 15. Elize Tallent Dismissed by letter 16. Annie Farmer 17. Goda Thomas 18. Vinnie McKinnie 19. Emma Cotton 20. Lizzie Nelson 21. Rusia Reece 22. Delphia Driggars 23. Ellen Nelson 24. Octa Reynolds Dismissed by letter 25. Carrie Nicholson Dismissed by letter 26. Myrtle Caldwell 27. Lillian Driggars Dismissed by letter 28. Vesta Caldwell Dead 29. Emma Driggars Dismissed by letter 30. Hulah Farmer 31. Icy Tackett Dismissed by letter 32. Myra Nelson Aritte Tackett J_n. Dismissed by letter 33. Avaril Driggars Dismissed by letter 34. Rava? Driggars Dismissed by letter Jim Nelson Bessie Nelson July 20 1920 Bell Driggars July 15 1920 Alorie? Thomas Aug 13 1922
page 288 Mountain Home Church Record List of Female Members 1. May J. Driggars 2. R.J. Driggars 3. M.J. McLarn 4. M.L. Thomas 5. Ada Driggars Dismissed by letter July 16 1904? W.G. Thomas 6. Lattie Driggars Died April 9 1905 7. Mary Tackett 8. Ella Driggars Dismissed by letter 2/1906 9. Hattie Tackett Joined 18th June 1892 10. M.E. Tackett Joined June 1893 11. V.J. Millsapps Joined June 1893 12. M.A. Millsapps 13. J__ie Thomas Joined Aug. 1894 14. Mattie Driggars Joined Aug. 1894 15. Fannie Tackett Joined Aug. 1894 16. Ellen Tackett Joined Aug. 1894 27. E_ Driggars [crossed out] Dismissed by letter 18. Lizzie Millsapps 19. Eliza? Diggs 20. Annie Tackett 21. Josephine Gilbert 22. D__ Hawthorne Aug. 1897 Died Feb 1903 23. Linlee Millsapps now Driggars Joined Aug. 1897 Died. 24. T___Diggs Joined 17 Aug. 1897 25. Minnie? Diggs Joined 17 Aug. 1897 26. C__ Diggs now Catton? Joined 17 Aug 1897 27. Lizzie Nelson Joined 14 may 1898 28. B___ Diggs [crossed out] Joined July 1901 Dismissed by letter 29. L___las Driggars Joined by letter July 1901 30. Rusta Thomas Joined July 1901 31.Nep? ___T Joined July 1901 32. 33. Daphia Thomas Joined July 1902 34. Maybel Gilbert Joined July 1902 35. Etta Caldwell Joined Aug. 4 1898 Excluded 36. Ellen Nelson Joined July 19 1904 Baptist 22 37. Rita Reynolds Joined July 21 1904 Baptist 22
38. Carrie Nicholson Joined July 20
39. Myrtle Caldwell Joined July
20 1905
40. Lislus? Millsapp Joined July 20th
41. Ella Heart
Dismissed by letter
42. Janie Caldwell
Dismissed by letter
290 Mountain Home Baptist Church
List of male members
M__ay Baptism by exp___by Luther____ 1. W.P. Tackett 2. G.A. Driggars 3. F. Nelson 4. J.C. Thomas 5. W.A. Thomas 6. W.F. Driggars 7. R.P. Caldwell Excluded 8. W.G. Tackett 9. W.M. Tackett Joined July 26 1896 10. Jim Caldwell Joined Sept. 1890 Dead. 11. L.C. Tackett Joined Sept. 1890 12. E. _Millsapps [crossed out] Died Aug 14 1900 13. B.D. Millsapps Joined June 1893 [crossed out] Dismissed by letter 14. L?iff Driggars Joined Aug 19 1894 15. John ___t__ Joined Aug. 19 1894 Dismissed by letter 16. Cod? Thomas Joined Aug. 16 1896 Dismissed by letter 17. Peter? ___- Joined Aug. 16 1896 churched? Jan 16___ 18. ___Diggs Joined Aug 16 1896 Dismissed by letter 19. Alvie Farmer Joined Aug 16 1896 20. J McGilant? excluded June 24 1916 21. L. N. Driggars Joined Aug. 17 1899 [crossed out] Dismissed by letter 22. L.R? Howthorne Joined Aug. 15 1897 Excluded July 16 23. Harris Millsapps Joined Aug. 17 1897 24. Wilice? Driggars Joined Aug. 17 1897 Excluded 23. James Tallent Joined July 18 1900 24. Bass Thomas Joined July 1901 27. Garne?t Millsapps Joined July 1901 28. Blackburn Millsapps Joined July 1901 Gee Duggaon 29. Jeff Thomas Joined July 1901 Dewey Tackett 30. Lpung? Driggars July 1901 31. Pete Catteon?? Joined July 1901 32. Leland Tackett Joined July 1901 [crossed out] Died April 13 1904 33. Willie Tackett Joined July 1901 Excluded 34. G.C. Caldwell Joined July 1901 35. W.E. Caldwell Joined July 1901 36. George Tallent Joined July 1902 37. H.H. Nelson Joined July 20 Baltho 22. 38. J.F. Nelson Joined July 20 39. James Driggars Joined July 19
40. Ratan Reynolds July 20 1904. Bahts?? 22
41. Soan? Driggars July 20 1904 [crossed out]
42. Tom Reynolds? July 22 1904 [crossed out]
43. Sis? Wilson excluded
44. J.P. Caton? R__ on July 20 1904 [crossed out]
45. Charlie Driggars Join July 18__
46. John C____ Join
47. Halher? Mannell? July 20
48. J.P. Honittan Excluded 1905
292 Mountain Home Baptist Church
1. Luttie Driggars dismissed Aug. 28-1899
2. Willis Driggars dismissed Aug. 18 1899
3. Jane Driggars dismissed Aug. 17 1899
4. V.A. Caldwell dismissed Nov. 18 1899
5. Susan Caldwell dismissed Aug. 18 1892
6. S.M. Tackett died
7. Lisebeth Caldwell Disbyt__ Jan 17 1897
8. JJ. ?Shackelford dismissed Feb. 13 1897
9. Annie Tackett dismissed May 26 1897
10. May Tackett dismissed Feb. 1893
11. Rithie? Burns dismissed Sept. 19 1891
12. Annis? Smith dismissed Sept. 19 1899
13. Miss J. Mullins Excluded Sept. 1893
14. Elizabeth Cyra?? Excluded Sept. 1893
15. P.R. Callium? Joined April 19 1890 ?dismissed 1891
16. M. Wasson? Joined April 19 1890 hs? from Aug. 1891
17. Mary H. Week? or Meek Aug. 1890 dismissed Jan. 1891
18. E.W. Driggars Joined 26th Feb. 1890 dismissed 1893.
19. Juilie? Tackett Joined Sept. 21 1890 dismissed 1891
20. Mary Tackett Joined Sept. 21 1890. dismissed Jan. 18 1891
21. Josephine Nell Recce? Joined Sept? 21 1890 & dismissed 1891
22. Elisabeth Meech? Joined Oct. 19 1890
23. Idy? Weech? Joined Oct. 19 1890 & dismissed Oct. 1891
24. Hattie Tackett -[crossed out]
25. P.W. Caldwell dismissed by _et? Jan. 17 1897
36. D.M? Nicholson dismissed Aug. 18 1894
27. John Driggars [crossed out]
28. Y M Nicholson dismissed Sept. 20 1896
Church Book bought off Cooper & Wyatt
620 Central Av, Hot Springs, Ark.
Nov. 21-1900. Price $1. 35.
Caddo River Baptist Association minutes.
1879 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: T. J. Welch. Clerk: G. C. Caldwell.
Messengers: T. J. Welch and G. C. Caldwell of Rock Creek.
1880 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: T. T. Welch. Clerk: G. Caldwell. Messengers:
T. J. Welch of Hickory Station.
1881 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: J. E. Kennedy. Clerk: G. C. Caldwell
Messengers: D. T. Driggens, J. E. Aud(?) and W. J. Kennedy of Hickory Station.
1882 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: J. H. West. Clerk: G. C. Caldwell.
1883 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: J. H. West, Clerk: J. A. Neighbors.
Messengers: A. Nelson, J. A. Neighbors, J. C. Thomas of Hickory Station.
1884 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: W. H. Caldwell. Clerk: none. Messengers: A.
Nelson, D. T. Driggers and W. H. Caldwell of Hickory Station.
1885 Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: A. Nelson. Clerk: J. C. Thomas. Messengers:
A. Nelson, W. H. Caldwell and D. T. Driggers of Hickory Station.
1886 Mountain Home. Messengers: Willis Driggers of Hickory Station
Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: D. T. Driggers. Clerk: J. C. Thomas Messengers:
A. Nelson and D. S. Driggers of Hickory Station
1886 Ordained ministers: A. Nelson, W. H. Caldwell, D. T. Driggers of Hickory
1887 Church: Mountain Home. Messenger: J. C. Thomas of Hickory Station.
School: Mountain Home Superintendent: None. Messengers: J. L. Caldwell and Mrs.
N. E. Thomas of Hickory Station.
1888 Church: Mountain Home. Messengers: Willie Tackett of Hickory Station.
School: Mountain Home. Superintendent; F. Nelson, Messengers: Sisters N. S.
Hawthorn and J. C. Thomas of Hickory Station.
Church: Mountain Home. Pastor: J.J. Hughes. Clerk: J. C. Thomas. Deacons: F.
Nelson, D. S. Hawthorn, W. S. Bullard, Messengers: J. C. Thomas, G. C. Caldwell.
Members: 52 of Hickory Station.
1889 Church: Mountain Home, Messengers: J. C. Thomas, S. Caldwell and Sister M.
D. T. Diggers of Hickory Station,
School: Mountain Home, Superintendent: W. H. Caldwell, Messengers: D. S.
Hawthorn, Ada Driggers and Sister N. E. Thomas of Hickory Station.
Church: Mountain Home, Pastor: J. J. Hughes, Clerk: J. C. Thomas, Deacons: F.
Nelson and D. S. Hawthorn, Messengers: D. S. Hawthorn, G. A. Driggers and J. C.
Thomas of Hickory Station.
1890 Church: Mountain Home, Messengers: J. C. Thomas and Ella Thomas of Hickory
School: Mountain Home, Superintendent: G. H. Wasson, Messenger: Ella Driggers of
Hickory Station
Church: Mountain Home, Pastor: D. T. Driggers, Clerk: J. C. Thomas, Messengers:
G. W. Wasson, T. J. Welch and J. C. Thomas of Tackett
1893 Church: Mountain Home, Pastor: R. Pate, Clerk: J. C. Thomas, Messengers: D.
T. Driggers, J. T. Millsap and J. C. Thomas of Tackett.
1894 School: Mountain Home: Superintendent: T. J. Millsapps, no messengers of
Hickory Station.
1895 School: Mountain Home, Superintendent: J. A. Tackett, Messengers: R. C.
Fields, Davie Huie and Julia Tackett of Caddo Gap.
1896 Church: Mountain Home, Pastor: T. A. Valentine, Clerk: J. C. Thomas,
Messengers: B. D. Millsap, J. C. Thomas of Hickory Station.
1899 Mountain Home: W. M.. Tackett, and G. A. Driggers.
Church: Mountain Home, Pastor: B. D. Millsap, Clerk: W. M. Tackett of Hickory
Station, Montgomery Co.
1900 Church Messengers:
Mountain Home: L. C. Tackett, H. J. C. Thomas and Otis Martin
Caney Valley: A. Herring, M. E. Smith and M. S. Smith
Sunday School Messengers: Mountain Home: Emma Driggers and Rusia Thomas