Second Registration Draft Cards 1948-1958 for Montgomery County, Arkansas

The Arkansas, Second Registration Draft Cards were created for men born between 1922 and 1940, and recorded from 1948 -1958 and consists of 4x6 cards from the Selective Service System. The cards are arranged numerically by local board number, then alphabetically by surname of registrant. The cards are part of Record Group 147. The collection was located at the National Archives and Records Administration Southwest region in Fort Worth Texas but are now located at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri.

The second group of numbers in the selective service number refers to the local board where the claimant registered. For example, a selective service number of 3-6-17 means the claimant registered in local board number 6.

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Archives   Keyword search: Draft Board No. 49, Aaron, John Benjamin - Nicholson, Grady Ray  Nicholson - Young

Reference: Archives

A B C D E F G H I J K L Mc M N O P R S T V W Y

The selective service records for persons are filed alphabetically by local selective service board number.

The information on the cards includes the registrant’s serial number, name, his residence, mailing, address, phone number, birth date, birth place, name of employer, address of employment, his height, weight, race, hair color, eye color, distinguishing marks, his signature, and the name and address of a person who would always know the registrant’s address.

There is 938 draft cards with 109 in the Army. 84 in the Navy. 27 in the Air Force. 6 in the National Guard.

Aaron, John Benjamin of Norman, NOK John Aaron
Abbott, James Washington of Story of Buckville. NOK William Abbott
Abernathy, Alton (NMN) of Oden. NOK Buford F. Abernathy
Abernathy, Billy Gene of Oden. NOK J.L. Abernathy
Abernathy, Donald of Oden. Log cutter for Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.. NOK J.F. Abernathy
Abernathy, Isaac L of Oden. NOK J.F. Abernathy
Abernathy, Loyal  (NMN) of Oden. NOK Ottis Abernathy
Abernathy, Waylon (NMN) of Oden. NOK Buford Abernathy, father. 3420 Warren Dr., Drayton Plains, Mich.
Alexander, Jakie (NMN) of Norman. Contact Mrs Elmer Stelter.
Alexander, Thomas W. of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Thomas W Alexander. Army 38517692 Sept. 14 1943 to Oct 15 1945. 1913 Aviation Er. Bat.
Anderson, Donald Ray of Mount Ida/ NOK Mrs Bertha S. Anderson
Anderson, Edward L of Mt Ida. NOK Mrs Bertha Anderson.
Anderson, Everett Augustus of Mt Ida. NOK Mrs Bertha Anderson, mother. Timber cutter for Treat Bros., Mt. Ida.
Anderson, Glen Frank of Caddo Gap. NOK George F. Anderson, farmer
Anderson, James Dean of Black Springs. NOK Mr Shelby Anderson, father
Anderson, Paul Dean of Mount Ida. NOK Whitt Anderson
Anderson, Richard Clayton of Mount Ida. Power saw operator for Ted Anderson. Harvest of timber & clearing land., Little Rock  NOK Eddie Anderson
Anderson, Roy Manon of Sims. Air Force Ad 19582433 1-17-57 to 12-19-60. `855th AACS Ron. Standby Reserve.   Father Robert Jodie Anderson.
Anderson, Veron Paul of Caddo Gap. NOK Virgil S. Anderson
Aston, Billy Hugh of Norman. NOK Mrs E.V. Aston. National Guard 254 28401  Sept 16 1947  PVT 206 Tank Bn. Co. B. Date Sept. 29 1948
Aston, Jr. Edwin U of Norman. NOK A.U. Aston
Atha, Allen Jr. of Mount Ida. married. NOK Mrs Allen Atha Jr. Self employed Service Station, Mount Ida. Army RA s9 741 106 March 24 1945 to Sept. 14 1955.
Austin, Edwin De Verne of Mount Ida. NOK E.L. Austin
Austin, Jarrell Summerfield of Mount Ida. NOK E.L. Austin

Bailey, Harvey Cecil of Mount Ida, NOK John Mack Bailey, father
Bailey, John Mack of Mount Ida NOK John Mack Bailey
Bailey, Paul Johnston of Mount Ida NOK John Mack Bailey. Army  38596775 Aug 7 1944 13th Air Service Group Nov. 8 1946.
Bailey, William Eugene of Mount Ida, NOK John Bailey, farmer
Baldwin Thomas Theodore of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Marie Baldwin.  Truck driver, delivering ice for Mount Ida Ice Co. Navy 6311837 Nov. 1 1943 to April 10 1946 USS Uvalve AKA 88
Ball, Donald Stuart of Oden. Born Forrester July 6 1938. Father Dan Ball. Air Force AF 18 491 827 1-25-56 to 1-24-60. 4135th Strategic Wing, SAC
Ballew, Loyd Simpson of Buckville. Born Buckville, Sept. 8 1926. NOK Jasper Ballew, farmer
Ballew, Ralph Junior of Buckville. Born Oakwood Oct. 13 1932, NOK Jasper Ballew, farmer
Barbee, Phillip Wayne of Mount Ida. Mrs A.R. Barbee, mother. Student Columbia Military Academy, Columbia, Tenn
Barber, Billy (NMN) of Sims. Born Lee County, Feb. 17th 1933. NOK Luther Barber, farmer.
Barbee, Jr. John Luther of Sims. NOK John Luther Barber Sr. , farmer.
Barber, Louis Henry of Mount Ida. Farmer, self employed. Married. NOK Mrs Pearl Barber, Fir Route, Mount Ida. Army 38663323 March 24 1944 to April 28 1946. 3184th Eng.
Barber, Robert (NMN) of Sims. NOK Luther Barber, farmer.
Barrett, Bobby Ray of Mount Ida. NOK Sam Barrett
Barrett, Jr. George W of Pine Ridge. NOK George Barrett. US Army 38602292 July 13 1943 to Jan 27 1944.  515 Field Art May 11 1946.
Barrett, Thomas Darrell of Mount Ida. Dock-man for Mount Ida Ice. Co. NOK Sam Barrett
Barrett, Walter John of Mount Ida, truck driver, delivering ice for the Mount Ida Ice Co. NOK C.J. Barrett
Bates, Daniel James of Sims. Married  Contact Logan Vines. Army RA 25 425 950 July 5 1950 April 15 1954
Bates, Delmer James of Silver. NOK Homer Bates
Bates, Ernest Levi of Mount Ida. Ice Plant operator for Tom O'Neal. machinest.  Married. Mrs. Ernest L. Bates.  Navy 8423419 9-30-43 to 2-20-46. Flag.  Navy Reserve  Flag.
Bates, James (NMN) of Mount Ida, truck driver, business ice, Mount Ida Ice Co.  Army 18146196 Feb. 9 1946 to July 6 1946  Co. D 9th Bn. Arm Div. Married Mrs Bernice Bates
Bates, Jimmy (NMN) of Crystal Route, Mount Ida. NOK H.R. Bates.
Bates, Joe Loyd of Norman. Contact Z.C. Bates.
Bates, Leo (NMN) of Mount Ida. Farmer, self employed.  Navy 631 73 59 Oct. 16 1945 to July 30 1946 USS Incessant.  USNR. NOK Levi Bates
Bates, Leon Arley of Mount Ida. Farmer self employed  Navy 844 23 43 May 14 1943 to Feb. 17 1946. USPSC Memphis Tenn Married. Mrs L.A. Bates
Bates, M.J. of Silver. NOK Homer Bates
Beam, Bill Ozro of Mount Ida. NOK O.J. Beam
Beam, Charles Ray of Oden. Contact Clifford Th---brother in law
Beam, Chester Lee of Black Springs. Born Paul's Valley, Okla. NOK Bunnie Beam, father.
Beam, John Eugene of Mount Ida. Navy 348 63 12 1-11-53 to 2-15-52 USNTC San Diego, Calif. NOK O.J. Beam.
Beck, David Harvey of Big Fork, NOK Richard Beck
Beck, David Monroe of Alf. Farmer, self employed. Army 38734180 Nov. 16 1944 to Aug. 31 1946 Co. E. 1st AR Div.  Army Reserve.  PFC Married. NOK Rode Beck.
Beggs, Billy Gerald of Sims Father Richard Beggs.
Beggs, Garlon Eugene of Oden, NOK R.E. Beggs, farmer.
Beggs, Lonnie Ray of Sims/ Hauling billets for Weldon Stovall, Montgomery County, AR. Date June 26 1956 .
Beggs, Mauricell (NMN) of Sims. Self employed farmer. Married. Mrs Lois Beggs.
Bellamy, Troy Orren of Norman. Born April 4 1927, Blosson, Texas.  Contact Mrs Bertha Porter, Norman. Sawmill laborer for Dierks Lbr. & Coal Co., Mountain Pine, Garland Co. Air Corps 38 722 787 6-9-45 to 11-9-48. 3575th Tng Sqn.
Berry Claude Miburn of Oden born Cedar Glades in 1937.  Full time student. NOK W.L. Berry. Navy 631 52 40 June 13 1945 to Aug. 13 1946. N. Supp Cen. Guam Saipan
Betts, Cecil Edgar of Glenwood, glove cutter, Indianapolis Glove Co. Glenwood. Married.  Mrs R.C. Betts of Bonnerdale
Betts, Jackie, of Mount Ida. Laborer U.S. Forest Service, Grangeville, Idaho. Not registered before.  NOK Robert C. Betts, Bonnerdale
Betts, Robert Junior of Bonnerdale. Married. Mrs Roberts Betts, Jr. Farmer self employed, Bonnerdale, Montgomery County, AR.
Betts, Walter Thomas of Bonnerdale. Drug store clerk, Crawford Drug. Co. Hot Springs. NOK R.C. Betts.
Black, Austin (NMN) of Black Springs. Student. NOK J.B. Black
Black, Floyd Junior of Story. Occupation: Clearing land for Wade Lahar Construction Co., Story. F.A. Black
Black, James Darrell of Black Springs, truck driver for Lemon Williamson, harvest of timber
Black, James Hodge of Norman born Marianna, AR Jan. 9 1936. Full time student. Contact E.U. Aston.
Black, James Marvin of Black Springs. NOK J.B. Black, farmer.
Black, Jon Michael of Norman. NOK L.E. Black, father.
Black, Lonnie Ray of Mount Ida. NOK Cecil Black
Black, Lowell Hugh of Black Springs. NOK Perry Black, farmer
Black, Lowell Lynn of Norman. NOK James E. Black.
Black, Lucian Ellis of Norman. NOK L.E. Black.
Black, Marlin Franklin of Black Springs. NOK James E. Black.
Black, Otho (NMN) of Alf. NOK J.J. Black, farmer
Black, Otto of Alf.  Occupation: Trail maintenance, Coram Ranger Station, Montgomery County, AR. Army 38722763 June 14 1945 to Feb. 2 1947.  Army Reserve. NOK Frances Black, Alf.
Black, Ray (NMN) of Gaston Route Mount Ida. NOK T.A. Black
Black, Thurman Ray of Black Springs. Army 387 21821 May 18 1945 to Dec. 25 1946. NOK J.B. Black, farmer.
Black, Weldon Willard of Story. NOK F.A. Black, farmer
Black, William Truman of Black Springs, NOK J.B. Black, farmer
Blackburn, Charles Victor of Sims, NOK C.D. Blackburn, farmer
Blackburn, James Owen of Sims, NOK Mrs Edna Blackburn
Blair, Jimmie Clearance of Washita. NOK Lawton Blair.
Blake, Robert Eugene of Glenwood (Montgomery), Arkansas. Army RA 14 655 961 7/10/57 to 4/12/1960 Svc Btry, 2nd How. Bn.  USAAR NOK F.C. Blake, father
Bliss, John Maurice of Glenwood. NOK Mrs Winfred Bliss.
Bliss, Nathan Lowell of Glenwood. NOK Emerson Bliss, father
Blocker, Dillard William of Washita Route, Mt. Ida. NOK Mrs Perry Blocker
Bobo, Charles W. of Black Springs. Army 38735454 Dec. 22 1944 to Oct 4 1946. NOK Bob Bobo
Boone, Charlie Woodrow of Caddo Gap. NOK W.E. Boone, father, farmer
Booth, Lyndal Lee of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Pauline Booth, mother
Booth, Norval (NMN) of Washita, NOK Omary Booth
Bowling, Bobby Gene of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK Bill Bowling, farmer
Boyd, Billy Jack of Sims. Contact Mrs Hazel Vines.
Bragg, Ebern Louis of Norman. NOK Melissie Braggs.
Bragg, Junus Bruce of Norman. NOK Mrs Melisse Bragg
Bragg, Peter Newport of Norman, Langley Route. NOK Mrs P.N. Bragg
Brakefield, Joe Isaac of Mount Ida, bookkeeper, Mount Ida Truck & Tractor Co. Navy 631 29 64 April 21 1944 -April 27 1946, USS Pickens. Married. NOK Mrs Irene Brakefield.
Brakefield, Rudolph Holder of Mount Ida, roughneck, Noble Drilling Co, Tulsa.  Navy 3470621 June 6 1942 to March 8 1946. Amp. LAD 17. NOK Joe I. Brakefield.
Brasher, James Robert, of Norman. NOK M.V. Brasher.
Brasher, Walter Floyd of Norman. NOK M.V. Brasher
Breashears, George Alfred of Story. NOK Jim Breashears, father
Breshears, Dayton Doyl of Fannie, Ark, chainwork, sawmill, Derricks Lumber & Coal Co., Mt. Pine. NOK Mytle Breshears
Brewer, Charles Ray, of Black Springs. NOK Claence Brewer
Brewer, Gerald Lee, of Alf. Born Oden Sept. 12 1940. NOK Ben Brewer, father
Bright, Marshal Eugene of Caddo Gap. NOK H.M. Bright
Broomfield, Doyl Erwin of Pencil Bluff. NOK Floyd V. Broomfield, father
Brown, Billy Joe of Norman. NOK H.R. Brown, farmer
Brown, Clayton Lee of Oden. NOK Mrs William Brown
Brown, Ross Edward of Oden, works at Boys Camp, clean up work for Carey Selph.  Date June 19 1956.  NOK W.A. Brown.
Brown, Samuel Phillip, of Glenwood. NOK William H. Brown, father
Brown, William Fay of Sliver. Mechanic. Navy 9677027 April 11 1944 to Jan. 9 1946. USS Kate Johnson. NOK Dan Brown.
Brown, W. G. (IO) of Story, mother Mrs Cora Brown. Air Force AF19606381 10-4-57 to 8-25-61. 109 Air Police Sq. Reserve.
Brunt, Tommy Jefferson of Black Springs. NOK Sherman Brunt.
Bryant, Arvil Lee of Norman, father Curtis Bryant. US Navy 3500083 1-3-58 to 12-7-61 Train. Squad 31. Navy S.R.
Bryant, Billy Mitchell of Mount Ida. NOK Jess Bryant, Jessiville.
Bryant, Chester Lee of Story. Contact: Minnie Fulton.
Bryant, Floyd Ernest of Story. NOK Mrs Minnie Fulton, Story
Bryant, James Lawson of Silver. NOK J.E. Bryant
Bryant, James Lewis of Silver, farmer and public works, Blakely Dam Project, flood control.  Navy 8443371 June 16 1943 to Nov. 5 1945. USNPSC Memphis Tenn.NOK J.H. Bryant
Bryant, Lester William, of Story. NOK Mrs William Bryant
Buchanan, John Homer of Hopper. NOK J.A. Buchanan, Hopper
Buchanan, Roy Allen of Hopper. NOK Mrs Ida Buchanan
Buck, Anderson J. (IO) of Norman. 
Burchfield, Dewey Winfred of Amity, AR. NOK Jerry Burchfield, farmer
Burchfield, Franklin, D. (IO) of Glenwood. NOK Jerry Burchfield
Burgess, Houston Faye of Glenwood (Montgomery). Clarence Burgess, father
Burris, Loyd Franklin of Mt. Ida, welder, (Sanders Swindle, father-in-law). Army RA 18331082 June 18 1948 to March 7 1950.
Burrow, Bennie Alexander of Norman. Married. NOK Mrs B.A. Burrow.
Bush, Harley David of Norman. NOK Marion Bush.
Bush, James Monroe, Mrs Joe Pittmon of Norman, sister.

Cagle, Paul Clifton of Norman, timber work harvesting timber for Gene Waggoner
Caldwell, Eulas (none for middle name), 9.5 miles east of Glenwood, Montgomery Co.
Campbell, Gena Lawton, of Silver
Campbell, George Morris of Caddo Gap, was in Air Force
Campbell, Lonnie Dean, Crystal Springs Route, Mt Ida, was in Air Force
Campbell, Robert T. Jr (MIO) of Mount Ida, was in Air Force
Campbell, Willard Samuel of Oden, b. May 12 1938, contact Mrs Otis Campbell, Oden
Cannon, Newton Lavern, Route #1, Norman, was in Army
Carmack, Walter Loyd, Oden, born Mt. Pine, father David Roy Carmack
Carpenter, Glenn Hugh of Norman
Carpenter, Joseph William of Norman
Carpenter, Walter Ray of Mount Ida
Carr, Austin Charles of Mount Ida
Carr, Bobby Carl of Mount Ida
Carr, Everett (NMN) of Mount Ida
Carr, Richard Freeman of Mount Ida, self employed, trucking, hauling.
Carr, William Achel of Mount Ida, born Mauldin Nov. 24 1924, repair radios, and all kinds of small appliances for Holt hardware Co.
Carter, Floyd (NMN) of Black Springs
Carter, Linnie Lewis of Route #2, Bonnerdale
Carter, Robert Bruce, born Alf, of Black Springs, famer working for R.B. Carter
Casey, Eugene Darrell, of Silver, self employed, cutting logs
Casey, Harold Loyd of Fir Route, farming, employed by Hermus Casey
Chambers, Haughey Lee of Pencil Bluff, sawmill worker for Dierks Forests Inc., Mt. Pine
Chamber, Phillip Donald of Sims
Chancey, Ronald Lee of Norman born Bixby, Okla, Oct. 14 1938.
Childress, Richard Allen, of Mount Ida, mother Mrs Gewn Childress
Childs, Darrow Leon, of Glenwood
clay, Ocus Mark of Mount Ida, clerk for Mount Ida Produce Co.
Clay, Thomas Henry Jr. of Mount Ida, employed by T.H. Clay, farmer
Clenney, Onilee (NMI), born Fannie, Ark. Louise Minton (aunt) she is postmaster at Fannie, AR, Po. Not registered before.
Clenney, William Clinton, of Story. Mother Mrs Bernice Clenney.
Clenney, Willie Lee of Story. G.F. (Frank) Clenney, father, of Story
Cline, Daneil W. (io), of Sims, timber worker, self employed, Oakwood, Montgomery County, AR. Born Athens, Ark.
Coates, Don Gene, of Bonnerdale, farmer. Born Salt Lake City. Was in Navy 20 years from 2-14-1941 to 1 Sept. 1961, service No. 368 61 25, tattoo on left arm & right forearm Fred Kirchhoff (brother-in-law)
Cobb, Evertt Lee of Mount Ida. Farming works for Harvey Cobb.
Cobb, Harvey Thomas, of Mount Ida, farmer.
Coffman, Billy Dee of Hopper
Coffman, Boyd (NMN) of Hopper
Coffman, Carlton Robert of Hopper. Mrs Roxie Coffman, mother.
Cogburn, Norman, Langley Route. 5ft 6, 110lbs, mole on forehead, over left eye. Blue eyes, blonde, fair. 1956.
Coffman, Dewy Isaac of Hopper
Coffman, Gilford Jr., of Hopper
Coffman, James Dwey, of Black Springs
Coffman, Paul Henry, of Hopper
Coffman, Wendell Doy, of Hopper. Austin Coffman, father.
Cogar, Norman Grover, born Denver Dec. 2 1930, Colo. Works for Woodrow House, Tie Mill, Mfg of cross-ties for railroads, Crystal Springs, Garland Co., Ark.
Cogburn, Calvin Cooledge of Hooper, born April 13, 1925. Index finger & thumb missing right hand. Merchant Marine 1943, only two months service. Works at St. Mary's Packing Co. Van Wert, Ohio.
Cogburn, Charles Clyde, of Langley, AR. Born May 31 1934. Made his mark. 5ft 6, 120 lbs. Mrs W.A. Cogburn, Langley.
Cogburn, Clifton (NMN) of Hopper, b. April 16, 1932, Hopper, works for Cora Cogburn, farming
Cogburn, Curtis (NMN), of Hopper, born Sept. 12 1940. Mother Mrs Roselee Cogburn. Farmer, cattle raising., hay farming.
Cogburn, Floyd of Hopper, laborer St. Mary's Packing Plant, Van Wert. Made mark. 5ft 5" 131 lbs.
Cogburn, Harvey Lee of Hopper. Born 1937 Fancie Hill, Arkansas [sic]. NOK Laure Lee Cogburn, Hopper, AR.
Cogburn, James Lloyd of Norman, Langley Route, NOK Glen Cogburn.
Cogburn, Jewell of Hopper. NOK Allen Cogburn. St. Mary's Packing Co. canned products., Van Wert, Ohio. Was in army 7/13/1945 to 12/18/1946, Medical Corp. 5ft 7, 130lbs.
Cogburn, John Franklin, born Black Springs, of Norman, truck driver, driving log truck for Glen Cogburn. 5ft 4" and 165 lbs.
Cogburn Loy Wiburn, born Aug. 16 1931, Hopper. NOK Allen Cogburn, Hopper.
Cogburn, Loyd Lee, born Ft. Smith, self employed hauling billets, timber, Montgomery County, AR. NOK Gertrude Cogburn, Norman, Langley Route. 5ft 6, 110lbs, mole on forehead, over left eye. Blue eyes, blonde, fair. 1956.
Cogburn, R.B. of Hopper. NOK Cora Cogburn of Hopper.
Cogburn, Vernon Gene of Hopper. NOK Ernest Cogburn. Driller for bayrite, McGeorge Const. Company, Hopper.
Coleman, Ray Floyd, of Glenwood (Montgomery), AR. Father Bill Coleman, Route #1, Glenwood.
Coleman, Russell Leroy of Oden. Mother Mrs Delia Fryar of Oden. Navy 1955 to 1857, Navy Aux. Air Station.
Coleman, Thomas James of Glenwood Rt #1. Timber worker for W.E. Coleman.
Collier, James "Jimmy" Terrell Rt #1, Glenwood. NOK Mr J.L. Collier.
Collier, John Michael of Mount Ida, NOK Rev. John Collier, Mount Ida
Cowart, Robbie Lee of Black Springs
Cox, Donald Ray of Norman. NOK M.F. Cox.
Craft, Henry Alford of Route #2 Bonnderdale.
Crigger, Lewis Edward of Mount Ida. NOK H.J. Crigger.
Crump, Jr., Clyde Jason of Norman
Cummings, Darrell Jesse of Oden. NOK Charles J. Cummings.
Curtis, John Charles of Silver

Daffern, Chester Lee of Glenwood (Montgomery), employed by C.E. Balentine, cutting Billets and Posts, Montgomery Co.
Dalton, Thomas Patrick, born Sept. 12 1933 Norman, AR. Sister Mrs. Evelyn Reecer, of Norman
Danley, Jr. Bert Lee of Mount Ida. Born Washita. NOK Bert. L. Danley
Davis, Alfred Junior of Norman. Father Mr. A.J. Davis of Norman.
Davis, Edmund Palmer of Norman. Army Service No. 38507076 May 21 1943 to Nov. 24 1945, ASFTC HDq. Co., Ft. Leanorn Wood, NOK Ethel Davis.
Davis, James Darrel of Hopper. Father Bill Davis.
Davis, James Robert of Mount Ida. Army 1956-1959. Father George R. Davis of Mount Ida.
Davis, Wilburn Earl of Hopper. NOK Bill Davis.
Dean, William Robert of Rote #1, Glenwood
Deaton, Franklin LD of Glenwood.
Decker, Joneal (NMN), of Caddo Gap
Demby, Hugh (NMN) of Washita. NOK Mrs Margaret Demby. Ouachita Theatre, Mount Ida, motion picture machine operator.
Denby, Jerry Dale, of Mount Ida. Born Washita.
Diggs, Cecil Charles of Route #1 Glenwood. Clerk, Merritt & Gardner, retail grocery, Glenwood.
Diggs, Jimmie Lester Route #2 of Bonnerdale, logging contractor.
Dillard, Kenneth Ray, of Sims. Occupation mining manganese, mine ore, Oden, AR. Father Wilmon Dillard of Sims.
Dillard, Sam Eugene of Sims, farmer for R.N. Dillard.
Dobbs, Grady Lee of Pencil Bluff. NOK John Dobbs.
Dobbs, John Daniel of Pencil Bluff
Dobbs, Thomas Virgil of Pencil Bluff
Dollar, Horace Lee of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK Mr Flay Dollar.
Dollar, Robert Benjamin of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK Mr Flay Dollar.
Doughten, Jack Tillman of Rt. #1 Norman. Farming working for Charles N. Doughten
Dowdy, Robert Alford of Norman.
Dowley, James Clair of Oden.
Draper, Marvin James of Norman
Driggers, Jr. Auston (NMN) of Route #2 of Bonnerdale.
Driggers, Gerald Truman of Bonnerdale. Works for Fred Kirtchoff cutting and hauling billets, Glenwood.
Driggers, James Lafayette of Route #2 of Bonnerdale. NOK Austin Driggers.
Driggers, Ray Kavanaugh of Caddo Gap. NOK Bunnie Driggers of Caddo Gap.
Duggins, Floyd Ruebn of Story. NOK Mrs Laura Duggins of Story.
Duggins, Loyd (NMN) of Story.
Duke, Darrell Eugene of Mount Ida. Marine Corps June 25 1948 PVT Hq. Co. 15th Inf. Bn USMCR (O). NOK Mrs Gladys Duke of Mount Ida.
Duke, George Audie of Black Springs. Bookkeeper for loan company, Peoples Loan & Investment Company, Mount Ida
Dunaway, Lloyd Allen, Pencil Bluff. Carpenter's helper for H.M. Barnes, general building, 1958. Father Ira Dunaway.
Duncan, Billy Russel, born Story, of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Eva Duncan of Mount Ida.
Duncan, James McLain of Fannie, AR. NOK Cortez Duncan, Fannie.
Duncan, Kenneth Darrel of Mount Ida. NOK Ava Duncan of Mount Ida.
Dunn, Billy Drew of Black Springs

Edmonds, Arvin Marlow of Sims. Picking cotton, Dumas, Desha Co., AR. NOK Mrs Alla May Edmonds, Sims Arkansas
Edmond, Loyd E of Sims
Edmonds, Wayon Arlo of Little Fir.
Edwards, Charles Wayne of Pencil Bluff. Father Mr H. W. Edwards.
Edwards, Leonard C of Alf. Served in the US Army, Service No. 38728717 Apr 9 1946 to Sept. 28 1947, 404th Ord. M.M. Co., present membership to a reserve company T5 Corp Ord. Co. Appendix scar. 1948 1st Sept.
Edwards, Marcus Hurshel of Pencil Bluff
Edwards, Robert Moody of Glenwood. NOK Mrs R.W. Edwards
Edwards, William Leo of Pencil Bluff
Efird, Allen (NMN) of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK William Efird
Eggerman, Donald Roe of Rt #1 Glenwood. NOK J.A. Eggerman
Egleston, Patrick Henry of Fir Route, Mount Ida
Ekurt, Merton Ernest of Mount Ida. Self employed carpenter, builds houses etc. Married. NOK Mrs Wilma Ekurt
Elder, Arle Grover of Sims. NOK Gilford Elder
Elder, Eston H. (NM) of Sims. Married. NOK Mrs Estelle Elder of Sims
Elder, Gary Olden, of Sims. Mrs Idell Elder, mother.
Ellington, Jr. W.J., of Caddo Gap
Ellis, William Allen of Washita.
Ellison, Elton Clifton of Oden. Father Oren Ellison
Ellsion, Sedric Wilford of Oden
Essman, Dennis Earl of Mount Ida. Timber cutter, at Stave mill, Treat Bros. Stave Mill. made a mark 1950. NOK Joe Essman
Evans, Cecial Hoyt, residence Norman. Sister Mrs. George Jordan, of Houston, TX
Evans, Edger Loyd of Amity, cutting saw logs, for Mr Woodson, Pike County
Ewing, Terry Mack of Rt. #1 of Glenwood. NOK H.M. Ewing

Fair, John Wesley of Norman. NOK W.A. Fair.
Featherston, Joe Donald of Mount Ida. NOK V.D. Featherston of Live oak, California.
Ferguson, Fonnie Levon of Sims. NOK Mrs R.F. Ferguson
Ferguson, Lonnie Dale of Opal, (Montgomery) AR
Filmer, Donald Louis of Glenwood. NOK Mrs L.A. Filmer
Flatte, James William of Mount Ida. Served in Army Service No. 18333137. 9-14-48 to 2-24-50, 6003 A.S. Unit. NOK Roy Flatte
Forbes, Billy Gay of Mount Ida. NOK Woodrow Forbes
Forga Avoyn (NMN) of Glenwood. NOK W.S. Forga.
Forga, Charles Leon of Glenwood. NOK Dewey Forga
Forga, Kenneth Dewitt of Glenwood. NOK Dorice Forga.
Forga, Kenneth Leon of Glenwood. Father Mr Myrkle Forga
Forga, Loyal Carl of Mount Ida.[had difficulty writing name] NOK E.S. Forga
Foster, Herbert Willie of Norman Born Gault, Mo. Student
Foster, Jerry Morris of Oden. Born Pine Ridge. Farmer Galloway Stock Farm. NOK Mrs Neil Foster
Foster, Roy Gene of Oden, father Harve I Foster. Navy service No. 362 40 65, entry date 5-5-1954. 2nd Div. ISS MC Kean, Aug. 30, 1957, separation date. Navy Reserve, in active
Frame, Henry Eugene of Pencil Bluff
Fryar, Bobby Gene of Oden, b. July 24 1938. NOK Delbert Fryar
Fryar, Carlton Charlie of Oden. Sawmill operator, self employed. Married. NOK Mrs Ruth Fryar
Fryar, Howard Franklin of Oden. Born Nov. 4 1923. Forestry worker for U.S. Forest service. NOK: Richard Fryar
Fryar, Lee Roy of Oden. NOK Delbert Fryar
Fryar, Lenard Lee of Mt. Ida. Born in Oden Dec. 21 1937. Father Mr Lynn Fryar. Navy 3491910 12/29/54. Ship USS Pine Island 1/6/59. USNR S1/c.
Fryar, Shelby Lee of Oden. Army 18475997 2-4-55 Co. A 45 AI Bn. Separation 3/10/55.NOK Mrs Porter Fryar.

Garner, Allen Rudell of Mount Ida. Army Reserve 18531209 may 26 1957 B Co. 11th Bn 3rd Trn. Reg. Nov. 22 1957.Mother Mrs Jessie Garner.
Garner, Jim Delano of Mount Ida. NOK Ernest Garner
Garner, John Benson of Mount Ida. NOK Ernest Garner
Gaston, Billy Jack of Gaston Route, Mt Ida. Born Mauldin June 16 1936. NOK Dixie Gaston.
Gaston Billy Wade of Norman. NOK Frank J. Gaston.
Gaston, Bobby Joe of Sims. NOK Buster Gaston
Gaston, Darrel Grady of Black Springs. Navy 631 56 20 Feb. 8 1945 to Oct. 24 1947. USS Stinton. USNR F/1 unassigned. Married. NOK Mrs Wilma Gaston
Gaston, Harold Elbert of Norman. NOK Hal Gaston.
Gaston, Jackson Dwayne, of Pencil Bluff. Born Mauldin March 29 1935. Timber worker, harvest of timber for Curtis Gaston.
Gaston Joe Wayne of Norman. Born Gaston. NOK Hal Gaston.
Gaston, John Orval of Mount Ida. Born Buckville, Sept. 11 1940. Father Mr W.A. Gaston of Mount Ida. Dock worker, Demby Point Landing. Rent boats and tend dock.
Gaston, L.C., of Sims, born Gibbs, June 17 1935, NOK N.A. Gaston.
Gaston, L.D. of Mount Ida. Navy 3485598 Nov 16 1951. VF 172 separated March 16 1955. Navy Res. In. ADAN. Inactive.NOK W.D. Gaston.
Gaston, Lyle Ellis of Norman. NOK Hal Gaston.
Gaston, Lynn Leon of Norman. NOK Grady Gaston of Norman.
Gaston, Odell Dale of Story, Father Guilford Gaston.
Gaston, Robert Adolph of Black Springs. Timber worker, harvest of timber. NOK Hal Gaston.
Gaston, Robert Lincoln of Norman. NOK Grady D. Gaston.
Gaston, Seldon (NMN) of Sims. Born Mauldin March 6 1930. NOK Buster Gaston.
Gaston, William Dixie of Norman. Army 38 726 809 12/10/45 to 11/23/48. 7820 MPGC. NOK Walter Gaston, farmer.
Gibson, Leon Francis of Pencil Bluff. Minister Jevanha Witness. Nature of business Preach at Waldron, Scott, Ark. NOK Eva Gibson.
Gilmore, William Ray of Fannie, AR. Made his mark.
Gladden, Dorvin Carl of Caddo Gap. NOK J.E. Gladden.
Gladden, James Freddie of Caddo Gap. NOK Irene West, Caddo Gap, 2nd cousin.
Gladden, Robert Howard of Caddo Gap. Born Nov. 26 1927. NOK Allan B. Gladden. Coach employed by Wright, coaching basketball, Wright, ARK. Has order to report Oct. 15. 1948. Infantry May 25 1948.
Gladden, Robert Jewl of Caddo Gap. NOK Jewel Gladden
Gladden, Sanford Junior of Caddo Gap. NOK Sanford Gladden, SR.
Glazener Gene (NMN). NOK Mrs Ella Glazener of Norman.
Godbehere, Lloyd Leland of Oden. Army 38665206 Apr 12 1944. Co. B. 156th Inf. May 14, 1946. Army Reserve T-4 Combat Engineers. NOK Mrs O.J. Godbehere
Golden, Bobby Gene of Norman. NOK O.G. Golden.
Golden, Calvin David of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK Mr George Golden.
Golden, Doyce Edwin of Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Mr George L. Golden.
Golden, George Melbourn of Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Mr George L. Golden.
Golden, James Barton of Caddo Gap. Air Force AF 18 530 649 2/18/57 to 2/17/61. 6th Civil Engr. Sq. Standby Reserve. Born Hopper. Died Sept. 19 1964. NOK Mrs Alma Golden.
Golden, John Walton of Caddo Gap. Sawmill worker. Born Hopper July 13 1924. NOK B.F. Golden.
Golden, Ralph (NMN) of Norman. NOK Ollice Golden.
Golden, Wilburn Curtis of Route #1, Vacaville, Calif. Mechanic unemployed. Air Force 18 415 843 Dec 5 1951 to Dec. 4 1955, Hd. Section Sqd. Travis Air Force Base, California. Reserve 4th Air Force Robbins, Georgia Staff Sergeant. Born 31 Jan. 1932, Hopper, AR. NOK John Golden of Caddo Gap.
Goodner, Donald Dwight, of Pencil Bluff. NOK Mrs C.B. Goodner. Electrician, unemployed. Navy 347 75 88 May 26 1948, USS Paricutim A E 18 May 20 1952. Tatto [sic] on right arm. Date June 20 1952.
Goodner, Jr. Grover Shelton of Oden. 5ft 11.5 and 1534 lbs. Date April 15, 1954. NOK Grover, Goodner.
Goodner, Stephen Lester of Crystal Springs Route, Mount Ida. US Navy 350 00 85 Jan. 2 1958 to Apr 25 1967. NOK Mr Harvey palmer (Uncle) of  Crystal Springs Route, Mount Ida.
Gortemiller, Rex Eugene of Opal, Ark. NOK George Gortemiller, of Opal.
Gortemiller, William Henry of Pine Ridge Ark. US Army 38602319 Jan. 26 1944 to Nov. 21 1945. 90th Inf. Div. Married. NOK Mrs W.H. Gortemiller.
Goss, Dee Nathanal of Oden born Aug. 12 1925. Navy 631 08 88 Jun 25 1943.  to Feb. 13 1946. USS No. Carolina. NOK Mrs Clara Goss, Oden.
Goss, Elgie Lee of Oden. NOK D. Goss of Oden.
Goss, Kyle Elliot of Oden. NOK W.F. Goss.
Gossett, Seaborn Junior of Fir Route, Mount Ida. Timber worker, harvest of timber for Bud Stovall. NOK Seaborn Gossett, SR.
Grant, Curtis Carrol of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK L.B. Grant.
Grant, Darrel Joe of Route #1, Glenwood, Ark. NOK Mrs Myrtle Grant.
Graves, Jr., Boyd of Norman. NOK Mrs Julia Graves.
Graves, Frederick Howard of Norman. Mill worker employed by Walter W. Polly, manufacture of lumber, Boonville, Mendocino, California. NOK Mrs Jewell P. Graves, mother.
Graves, George Larry of Norman. NOK Mrs Jewell Graves, mother.
Graves, Ralph Frederick of Norman. NOK Roy Graves. Employed by Glen Cogburn, harvest of timber.
Gray, Carl Dean, of Fir Route Mount Ida. NOK C.C. Gray
Gray, Paul GENE of Fir Route Mount Ida. NOK Joe Gray
Gray, William Neil of Mount Ida. Timber, employed by E.H. Horn. NOK C.C. Gray
Green, Finis Smith of Norman. Born July 26 1926. Army 38734181. Nov 16 1944, 204th Mil. Police co. Aug. 21 1946. Army Reserve. Sawmill worker for Sol Green. Norman, Arkansas, Mfg. of lumber. NOK Mrs Mildred Green.
Green, Harold Harrison of Norman, NOK Earnest Green.
Green, Jeffrey Travis of Norman. Army RA18 291 069 10-9-46. Co. A Inf. School Det. 10-8-49. NOK Mrs Josie Green.
Griblin, Gene Stewart. Born Feb. 18 1928 Black Springs. Army No. 18 330 068 6-16-1948  805th Av. Eng. Hq & Ser June 1949. NOK Aura F. Griblin.
Griblin, Paul Eugene of Black Springs. Navy 9677029 Apr 11 1044 to May 4 1946. JCA Guam. Born Gridley, Kansas. NOK A.F. Griblin
Grigg, Joseph William, Fir Route, Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Lorine Grigg
Grimes, Carl L of Mount Ida. NOK Curtis Grimes
Guinn, Marcus (NMN), of Mount Ida. Navy Service No. 974 21 66, May 15 1944 to May 7 1946. USN PSC Memphis Tenn. Navy Reserve S1/c. Scar on left cheek. 6ft 1", 180lbs. NOK Bettie Guinn
Guthrey, Jess Lynn of Black Springs. NOK Viola Guthrey
Guy, Ray (NMN), sawmill worker, Caddo Gap

Hamilton, Carrol John, born Oden. NOK John Bert Hamilton, Norman
Hamilton, Carroll Virgil of Norman. Public works, Forshee Sawmill. NOK Cleta Hamilton.
Hamilton, Paul Wayne of Mount Ida. NOK Mr Marvin W. Hamilton (father) of Gaston.
Harbour, Robbins Talmon of Norman. Occupation store clerk, retail Gr & Feed. NOK Tal Harbour.
Harned, Milton Martin of Black Springs. NOK W.T. Harned.
Harper, Kenneth Eugene of Story. Born Fannie. NOK Richard Harper.
Harry, Elvin Edwin of Caddo Gap. Born Sept. 24 1931 Sulphur Springs. Occupation farming for Bill Moran, dairy.
Hass, AV Kenneth of Mount Ida, trucker, hauling logs. NOK Mrs Bonnie Ruth Hass.
Hass, Irvin Clayton of Mt Ida. Born Story March 16 1923. Tractor driver, building roads. Not employed.  Married. NOK Mrs Mattie Hass.
Hatton, Hewlas Elton of Sims. NOK Mrs C.L. Hatton.
Hatton, Ray (NMN) of Sims. NOK C.L. Hatton.
Hatton, William Darrell of Sims. Occupation cutting posts for George White, making fence posts in Montgomery County, AR
Hays, James Robert of Black Springs. Navy 347 63 86 12-30-47 60 12-15-51, North Island, Calif. NOK Charlie Hays.
Hays, Jim Henry of Black Springs. Public work. Employed by George Devasher, sawmill worker, Black Springs
Hays, Larry Gordon of Norman. NOK Joe Hays.
Henderson, Billy Ray of Rt -1, Norman, Ark. NOK Mamie Henderson.
Henderson, Norman Thomas of Route # 1, Glenwood.  Contact: Francis N. Waggoner.
Hensley, Marvin Junior of Hopper. NOK Adren Hensley of Hopper.
Hickey, Glenn Elliot of Mt Ida. b. Sept. 14 1931 at Oden. NOK Glen N. Hickey.
Hickman, Denver Leroy of Mount Ida. NOK Kale Hickman.
Hickman, Kale Lawn of Mt Ida. NOK Mrs Ollie Hickman. Sawmill worker for Ansel Scott. Date. Sept. 1943.
Hicks, Caral James of Pine Ridge. Occupation: itinerant fruit picker. NOK K.J. Hicks
Hicks, Clifford (NMN) of Pine Ridge. Works at farming for T.H. Hicks. NOK Mrs Martin Hicks
Hill, Arzo (NMN) of Route #1 of Glenwood. Farming. NOK, Derwood Hill, Glenwood
Hill, Junior Lee of Bonnerdale (Montgomery County, AR) NOK Mr J.R. Hill, father
Hill, Orvill Jefferson of Pencil Bluff. NOK Mrs Cora Tabor (mother)
Hill, Otto Richard of Norman. Navy 6308799 Nov. 19 1942  to Feb. 21 1946 MTS Port Hueneme Calif. Married. NOK Mollie Hill
Hill, Roy Andrew of Norman, NOK Mr Clarence Hill  (Uncle)
Hill, Thurman (NMN) of Rt. #1 Glenwood. NOK Derwood Hill
Hilliard, James Ethan of Washita. NOK John Hilliard
Holmes, Billy Gene of Story. NOK Will Holmes, Ules Terel of Story. Army 38668875 May 18 1944 to Apr 18 1947 38th Mec. Cal. NOK Will Holmes.
Hopper, Billy Aden of Oden. Army 18290853 Oct 2 1946 to March 18 1948 9400 TSU Hg & Hg Co. Sig. C.  Painter, self employed, contracting in Lubbock, TX in 1948.  Father A.A. Hopper
Hopper, Jaddie Don, Gaston Route, Montgomery Co. US Air Force AF 38341876 12-11 1943 to 2-17 1946 and US Army 38341876 6-6-1948 to 10-21 1949. NOK Mrs James G. Hopper, Caddo Gap
Hopper, Jimmy Marion of Pencil Bluff. Born Aug. 10 1933, Lubbock, TX NOK A.A. Hopper
Hopper, Johnny Atlas of Pencil Bluff. Born Hot Springs, AR Aug. 31 1939. Father Mr A.A. Hopper
Hopper, Myron Hughes of Hopper, AR. Marine Corps 941378 Feb. 19 1944 to March 21 1944. NOK Bob Hopper
Hopper, Wayne Adolph of Pencil Bluff, carpenter helper.  Born Lubbock Sept. 27 1937. NOK Mr A.D. Hopper
Horn, Billy Carrol, of Hopper. NOK Ted Horn
Horn, Edsel Ford of Hopper. NOK Ted Horn
Horn, Eugene (NMN) of Caddo Gap. Born Dec. 29 1928 at Caddo Gap. Occupation cutting wood for Glenn Cogburn
Horn, Guy Gene of Glenwood. NOK Silas Horn
Horn, James Paul of Caddo Gap. NOK Neloius Horn
Horn, Kenneth Oliver of Hopper. NOK Ted Horn
Horn, Thomas Calvin of Caddo Gap. NOK Mrs Ottis Horn
Housley, William Elza of Buckville, Montgomery County, AR. NOK Frank Housley
Hovell, Leroy Elmer Jr. of Mt Ida. US Marines 512345 Nov 27 1944 to April 18 1947. 7th Ser. Regiment. NOK Leroy Hovell.
Howard, James Edward of Norman. NOK Rufus Howard.
Howell, Alvie Nelson of Black Springs. NOK Nelson Howell
Huddleston, Roger Lee of Oden, student Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, AR. Navy 3490567 July 1 1954 to July 5 1956. USS Kearsarge. Navy Reserve RM3 - 8th Naval District. NOK Mrs Laura Huddleston
Hugen, Sam (NMN) of Norman. Born Pine Ridge Oct. 23 1924. Navy 3470826 July 17 1942 to Dec. 26 1945. Western Star Frontier, Shoemaker, Calif. Naval Reserve. BM/3c Div. 9-121 K.C. Mo. Watchmaker, repair watches, clocks etc.  NOK F. H. Hugen.

Irons, Everette Lee, of Washita. NOK Mrs R.F. Irons
Irons, Glenn Russell of Mount Ida. NOK Mr Carrol Irons (father)
Irons, Rector Ford Jr., of Washita. NOK R.F. Irons.

Jackson, Eugene Scott of Mt Ida. NOK George Jackson. Small scar of left side chin
Jackson, Jr. George Andrew of Mt Ida. Army 0551750 April 17 1943 to July 14 1946. Co. B 222 Inf. . Amy Reserve Captain Composite Group Champaign. Married NOK  Mrs Daphne Jackson
Jackson John, Wayne of Mt Ida. NOK George A. Jackson
Jackson, Ollie  Sanders of Sims. Occupation cutting logs for Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.NOK W.V. Jackson
Jackson, Robert Scott of Mt. Ida. Air Corps 18290192 8-29-46 to 5-19-49 3rd A.P. Squ. NOK George A. Jackson
Jamerson, Clifford Larry of Mount Ida. Born Idabel, Ok Sept. 13 1939. Single.  NOK Mrs Clifford
James, Frank (NMN) of Black Springs. Army 18248609 5/23/46 Sep. Center Camp Kilmer, N.J. NOK Albert James. Date April 1949
Jester, Chester Harlis of Glenwood. NOK Thurman Jester
Jester, Elton Trillis of Glenwood. NOK Roy Lee Jester
Jester, Jimmy Dale of Glenwood. NOK Lee Jester
Jester, Lester Rodger of Glenwood. NOK Thurman Jester
Johnson, Edward Lee of Norman. NOK Mary Belle Johnson
Johnson James Edward of Hot Springs. Born June 8 1938 at Norman. NOK J.J. Johnson
Johnson, Joe b. Oden Nov 30 1927. Navy 6317348 Sept 27 1945 to Aug. 14 1946. USN TC San Diego, CA.NOK John Johnson of Mt Ida
Johnson, Wilburn Lloyd of Silver. Occupation logger for Wilson Lumber Co., Silver.  Date. Sept. 1948. Contact: Louis Goodner of Sliver
Johnson, William Wayne of Oden. NOK Paul Johnson of Mount Ida
Johnston, Bert Buel of Fannie, AR. NOK Jess Johnston
Jones, Cecil James of Washita. NOK Mrs Cecil J. Jones
Jones, Floyd Leon of Caddo Gap. Air Force 18330023 June 3 1948 to June 2 1952 301st Installation NOK Herbert Jones.

Keith, Edward Ray of Norman. Army 39420530 Dec 15 1943 to May 9 1946 9207th Tech, Serv, Unit NOK Mrs Lvida B. Keith
Keith, James Charles of Norman. Army 38738968 March 16 1945 to Oct 11 1946 USARC Ft. Bragg N.C. NOK Vida Keith
Kibler, William Wayne of Mount Ida. Mrs Mabel Kilber
Kilby, Jr., Alex Nelson of Oden. Born Pauls Valley, Okla Sept 29 1938. NOK Mrs May Kilby
Kilby, Jr., Allen Marcus of Mt Ida. Born Pensacola, Florida. Feb. 20 1934. NOK Allen M. Kilby, Sr.
Kilby, James L. of Mt Ida. Born Longbeach, Calif. May 21 1937. Contact: Will Tilley.
Kirchoff, Edwin Jr. (NMN). Born March 7 1925, San Antonio, TX. NOK Fred Kirchoff, Bonnerdale.
Kirk, Ray Henry of Oden. Mechanic, unemployed. Army 38601358 Dec. 14 1943 to Oct. 21 1944. Co. D. 4th AR Rep. Tr. Cn. NOK C.P. Kirk.
Kiser, Edsel (NMN) of Norman. Born Sept. 16 1924, Alf, AR. Air Force 38511027 July 27 1943 to March 18 1946 316th Tropp Car. Sqn. Air Force Reserve Sgt. ERC Air Corps. 6ft 1: 195lbs. Occupation: Farmer. t Sept. 1948. NOK Anna Myrtle Kiser.
Kiser, Otis (NMN). NOK Myrtle Kiser. Navy 974404-47 8-1144 to 6-8-2946. USS Floyds Bay A.V.R..40. Naval Reserve.  Motor Mac Mate 3/c. Occupation Maintenance for U.S. Forest Service, making trails. Big Prairie Dist.  Montana.
Kiser, Paul (NMN) born Alf Sept 10 1927. Occupation: Elevator Operator for Johnson Coop. Grain Co. Grain Storage, Big Bow, Stanton, Kansas. Air Force AF 19315 327 9-10-48 to Aug. 4 1952 Perrin AFB Sherman, TX.  NOK Odis Kiser, Big Fork, AR
Knowles, George Henry. Born Anson, Texas. Cutting pulpwood for International Paper Co., Norman, AR. NOK Mrs Charline Knowles, Norman
Knox, Richard Hugh, Bonnerdale, AR NOK W.O. Knox.

Lamb, Clifford Eugene of Washita. Heavy Equip. Oper for Lawton Blair of Washita. Army 39 698 174 Apr 26 1943 to Feb. 2 1946 155th Eng. Combat. NOK Mrs Anna Lamb
Lambert, Elmer Lee of Story. NOK Reece Lambert.
Lambert, Richard Matthew, of Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Mrs. H.B. Lambert
Lambert, Selmer V (IO) of Story. NOK Reece Lambert
Lane, Orval Lee of Norman. NOK Mrs Chester Davis (mother)
Large, Homer Leslie of Norman. Born may 30, 1929, Leakey, TX Contact Mrs R.E. Fagan
Lawrence. Allen Jackson of Opal, AR. NOK Raymon Lawrence.
Lawrence, Billy Don of Pine Ridge. NOK Lake Lawrence.
Lawrence, James Ray of Oden. NOK J.R. Lawrence of Oden.
Lawrence, Roland Jerry of Oden. NOK Mr J.R. Lawrence, father
Ledbetter, Clifton Charlie of Caddo Gap. NOK Francis Ledbetter
Ledbetter, Clovis (NMN) of Oden. Born Sept. 9 1939, Oden. NOK Clyde Ledbetter, father
Ledbetter, Doyce Ralph of Caddo Gap. NOK F.H. Ledbetter
Ledbetter, Jessie James of Caddo Gap. Born Hoper Feb. 5 1929. NOK Francis Ledbetter
Ledbetter, JT Gerald of Caddo gap. NOK Francis Ledbetter
Lee, Juniorous Archie of Oden. National Guard 25434631 Pvt e-2 2-1--57 NOK Mrs Hazel Lee (mother)
Leonard, Clayburn (NMN) of Oden, Boles Route. Truck driver for Arkansas Highway Dept. NOK Mrs Wanda Jean Leonard
Lewis, Charlie Cleburne of Norman. Born March 21 1938, Ink. Timber worker for Otis Horn, Norman. NOK Mrs Eula Lewis
Lweis, Delbert James of Opal. NOK Bill Lewis, farmer
Lewis, Don Winiford of Opal. NOK Bill Lewis
Lewis, Glen (NMN) of Opal. NOK Albert Lewis, farmer
Lewis, Harold Delton of Oden, NOK Bill Lewis of Oden, farmer
Lock, James Leroy of Glenwood. Born Portsmouth. N.H. May 16 1934. NOK Stanley Lock.
Lock, Richard Joseph of Caddo Gap. Born New London, Conn.  Jan 2 1933NOK Stanley O. Lock
Love, Lloyd Gene of Norman. NOK M.L. Love
Love, Silas Jake of Norman. NOK S.J. Love
Lybrand, Bobby Gene of Mount Ida. NOK J.H. Lybrand, farmer
Lybrand, Julius Jr. of Mt Ida. Army 38735451 Dec. 21 1944 to Sept. 2 1946 1839th Military Police Sec. NOK J.H. Lybrand
Lykins, Eugene Haley of Story. NOK W/H. Lykins

McConnell, David Leroy of Sims. NOK J.B. McConnell
McConnell, Robert Clarke of Mt Ida. NOK Mrs Hazel McConnell, mother
McConnell, Roger Blair of Mt Ida. Born Forrester, Ark Sept. 4 1938 NOK Mrs Hazel McConnell
McCullar, Elmer Allen of Mt. Ida.  Works as a common labor for Odis Norman, timber harvest out of Mount Ida. Contact Mrs Gladys Barber
McGough, Ben H. Jr., of Glenwood, dairy farmer for Ben McGough. NOK Ben McGough
McGrew, Paul Samuel of Glenwood, famer. Born Bonnerdale, 15 Sept. 1923 Navy 974 21 67 May 15 1944 to Jan 23 1946, USS Guam. NOK Mildred McGrew
McKay, Earl Thomas of Story. Born Feb. 28 1925, Mauldin, AR. Navy 844 55 23 9-23-43 to 1-5-46, Air Transport. NOK R.B. McKay.
McKay, Ernest Nesbett of Story. Farmer. Navy 844 58 74 Oct. 9 1943 to Dec. 24 1945 PSC Nashville, Tenn. NOK Ina McKay
McKay, Howell Brewer of Story. NOK Mr Roy McKay
McKay, Leon Harold of Story, farming. NOK R.B. McKay
McKay, William Delton of Story. NOK R.B. McKay
McKenzie, Dale Franklin of Norman. Born Cahoma, Miss Jan 13 1938. US Navy 349 24 02 1-29-55 to 1-12-59 BTG-7 Tenn.NOK Mr Doyle McKenzie, father
McKinney, Jack Daris of Sims. Birthmarks scattered over body. NOK Mr Virgil McKinney
McKinney, Nolan Homer of Sims. , farmer, NOK Mrs Blanche McKinney
McKinzie, Floyd Samuel born Jan. 22 1928 Pine Ridge. Navy 347 26 78 Oct. 31 1945 to Oct. 6 1947 USS Pasadena (CL-65). NOK S.A. McKinzie
McLane, Bobby Hill of Mt Ida. National Guard 25 420 854  9-1-1948NOK Clyde McLane
McLean, Billy Tom of Caddo Gap. Service Station operator, self employed, Caddo Gap. Navy 8443376 June 15 1943 to Nov 15 1945 USNPSC Memphis Tenn NOK Mrs J.W. McLean.

Mabry, Oliver Lee, born May 30 1940, Chula, Ark., NOK Mr France B. Mabry, father.
Maddox, Darrel James of Oden. National Guard 25434630  Feb. 10th 1957 PVT. E-2 Btry A 437th F.A. Bn.. NOK Mr C.W, Maddox, father.
Maddox, Jackie Dee of Opal. NOK B.D. Maddox.
Maddox, Joe Clayton of Oden. Army 38722791 June 14 1945 to Feb. 3 1947 154th QMC. NOK J.B. Maddox.
Maddox, Tommy Gene of Opal. NOK Mr Burling Maddox of Opal, AR
Manley, L.J., of Mt Ida. NOK Dave Manley.
Manville, James Griswold of Mt. Ida. NOK Mrs C.W. Manville.
Martin, Bennie Charles of Glenwood. NOK Roy Martin.
Maxey, Chester James of Washita. Lineman for Ar. Power & Light Co. Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co. NOK Brady D. Maxey.
Maxey, Donald Wayne of Mt Ida. NOK Frank Maxey.
Mayberry Charles, Jr. (NMN) of Sliver. Army Air Corps 39047462 June 17 1943 to April 4 1944. NOK Charles Mayberry, Sr.
Mayberry, Raymon Monroe of Mount Ida, Fir Route. Army 38509431 June 29 1944 to March 16 1946. 1304th Eng. Cons. Bn. NOK John Mayberry.
Mayberry, Sam Gilbert of Silver. NOK Della Mayberry.
Mayberry William Eugene of Mount Ida. Born Joplin March 18 1937.  NOK Harry Mayberry.
Medlock, Erman Ray of Caddo Gap. Turning logs at sawmill for Otis Horn at Caddo Gap. NOK Noble Medlock. Date Oct. 1950.
Meridith, Hursel Ray of Norman. Occupation mining, for W.C. Stenger at Norman. Birth mark on right cheek. Lonnie Miller.  Date Sept. 1948
Milam, Benny John of Norman. Timber hauling for Elrod Post Company. Mrs Retha Milam, mother.
Milholen, Tony Burl of Royal, AR. NOK Mr Elmer Milholen, father.
Miller, Hullan Edward, of Norman. NOK Lonnie Miller
Miller, Orville Carl of Norman. NOK Lonnie Miller
Miller, Rufus Eugene. NOK Mrs E.C. Miller. Truck driver, hauls logs, self employed.
Minton, Clyde Clifton of Story. Married. NOK Mrs Era Minton. Navy 974 82 32 Sept. 11 1942 - Aug. 2 1946. NAS. Norfolk, Va.
Minton, Freddie Lynn of Mount Ida. NOK Mr H.G. Minton.
Minton, Melvin Albert of Fannie. NOK H.G. Minton.
Minton, Ray Eugene of Fannie. NOK Louise Minton.
Minton, Robert Ervia, Fannie, AR. NOK Herbert Minton.
Mobley, Alfred Jefferson, Mt. Ida, AR. NOK Mrs Clara Mobley. Merchant Marines Z-519556
Moeller, Erwin George, truck driver AR State Highway Dept, road work. Army 18075055, March 16 1942 to April 17 1946, 90th Cal. Rec. Sdn.
Montgomery, Burl Joe, of Story. Army RA 18475404, Dec 27 1954 to Dec. 10 1957. M QMRNE Father: Elmer N. Montgomery,
Montgomery, G.E., of Glenwood. NOK Alice Montgomery.
Montgomery, James William of Glenwood. NOK Alice Montgomery,
Montgomery, Rayvon (NMN), of Story. NOK Elmer Montgomery.
Morris, Claude Wayne, truck driver, log hauling, Stauter Lumber Company, father Paul Morris, General Delivery, Norman.
Morris, William Evens of Norman. Army 1 824 1 333 5/21/48 to 8/15/1949 Camp Kilmer.
Morrow, Earle, Kay of Glenwood. NOK O.R. Morrow,
Moudy, Jimmy (NMN) of Mt Ida. High School Student. Mother Mrs J.T. Moudy.
Moudy, John White. NOK J.T. Moudy, father.
Mourton, Joffree Joe of Oden. Navy 9677034 Apr 11 1944 to March 14 1946. 14th Fleet Air Wing. USNR
Mullenix, Otis Porter of Oden, born May 13 1924, teacher, teaching agriculture. NOK Mrs O.P. Mullenix.
Mullenix, Rodger Moreace of Oden. NOK G.O. Mullenix
Mullings, L.M. of Norman, NOK Lawrence Mullings

New, Billy Joe, of 5 miles eat of Big Fork Post Office. NOK Katherine Bates.
New, Charles Ray of Norman, NOK Harvey New
Nichols, Jerald Ernest of Oden. NOK D.F. Nichols.
Nichols, Norman Lawson of Story. NOK Buford Nichols.
Nicholson, Grady Ray of Bonnerdale. Employed by Tomcie Vaughn as a farmer. NOK Mrs Lula Nicholson
Nicholson, Orvis B. of Bonnerdale. NOK Earl Nicholson
Noakes, William Jack Dempsy of Mt Ida. NOK Mrs Tola Gossett of Mt Ida. Blind but able to write,
Norman, Charles Kenneth of Mount Ida. Born Sept. 30 1939 of Washita. Father Odis Norman
Norman, Donald Ray of Oden. Born Oden July 31 1936. Occupation: Seat cover upholster for Pat Patterson, Ada, Okla. NOK M.A. Norman, of Oden
Nutt, Donnie Houston of Mount Ida. NOK W.H. Nutt

O'Neal, Charles Kenneth of Oden. Rodam, engineers, Houston. NOK mrs Clinton Moore, 22427 Columbus, East Detroit, Michigan (sister).
O'neal, Jimmy (NM) of Mt Ida. NOK Guy O'neal.
O'Neal, John Ed of Mt Ida. NOK Mrs Dra O'Neal. USAF 18467660 Sept 9 195_ - Jan 28 1956. Reserves A/B. Tatoo [sic] on left arm above elbow.
O'Neal, William Junior of Big Fork. NOK W.B. O'Neal.

Parkerson, Carl Reed of Norman, NOK Walter Parkerson. Army 38511033 July 13 1944 to Nov. 3 1946. Army Air Base Coffeeville, Kansas
Parkerson, Jimmie Lawrence of Norman. NOK Walter Parkerson
Parson, Lonnie Joe of Route #1, Glenwood, Occupation: Grinding Slate Rock at Slate Mill, for Bird & Son Roofing Co. Mole right cheek.
Partain, Avon Farris of Fannie, AR. NOK Cecil Partain of Fannie.
Partain, Eutah Joseph of Fannie. NOK Mrs Helen Partain of Fannie. Army 39699185 June 3 1943 to Jan. 27 1946, 227 Sta. Hos.
Partain, Howard Ray of Story. NOK Cecil Partain.
Partain, Kenneth Gerald of Story. Birthmark on forehead.NOK Cecil Partain, farmer.
Partain, Ruben John of Fanny, AR. NOK Jeff Partain, farmer.
Parton, Hebert Floyd of Glenwood. NOK Mrs Carrie Parton Rt #1, Glenwood.
Parton, James Eugene of Glenwood. NOK Mrs Carrie Parton Route #1, Box 208, Glenwood
Pate, Edmon Doyle of Opal. Married. NOK Mrs Marie Pate. Navy 8442484 May 19 1943 to Feb. 27 1946. FLC USNR SV6. Navy Reserve. F/1c
Pate, John Willis of Norman. Born Alamo January 12 1940. NOK Mr J.T. Pate, father.
Pearson, Olen Robert of Black Springs. Works for M.L. Pearson as a farmer. NOK Mrs Zeda Pearson.
Pearson, Othel Lee of Black Springs. Married. NOK Mrs Wilma Pearson. Army 38731369 Aug. 11 1944. Co. A 10th Inf. 5th Div. June 27 1946. Army Reserves. PFC.
Pennington, Noel Don of Glenwood (Montgomery), AR. NOK Mr David S. Pennington (Father)
Peppers, Dennis Ray of Norman. NOK W.R. Peppers, of Norman
Peppers, William Donald of Norman. NOK W.R. Peppers, of Norman
Perkins, Raymond E (Initial only) of Norman. Truck driver. Contact Albert Peace. Army 38734182 Nov. 16 1844 to Nov. 19 1946. Co. A 7802nd Emgr Avn RN
Petty, Homer D of Norman. Occupation: Punch-Press Operator .Mfg Record Chargers. Contact Mr Clarence Knowles.
Petty, J.N. of Norman of Norman. Occupation: Timber cutter for Alden Watson, Norman. NOK H.C. Petty.
Phillips, Loyd Shelby of Oden. Born Aly, AR Sept. 5 1934. NOK Delia Fryar of Oden. VSR
Phillips, William B (IO) of Fir Route, Mount Ida. Born Story Aug 6 1924. Army 39427943 Nov 18 1944 to Apt 5 1946 Parachute School Ft. Benning, CA. Married. NOK Mrs Aline Phillips.
Pickens, Charles Jerry of Mt Ida. Born June 9 1935 Zelda, KY. Married. NOK B.S. Pickens.
Pittman, Joe Johnson of Sims. Navy 3474644 June 21 1946 -April 20 1948. NOK Fon Pittman, farmer.
Placker, Arther Ernest of Gaston Route, Mt Ida. Born March 3 1923, San Antonio, TX. Married. NOK Mrs E.E. Placker. Army 38503499 March 9 1945 to Dec. 6 1945 1282 Combat Eng.
Placker, Clifton Elijah of Gaston Route, Mt Ida. NOK E.E. Placker.
Plyler, William Darrell of Sims. Farmer self employed. Married NOK Mrs Anna Marie Plyler. Navy 631 72 14. Oct. 17 1946 to Nov 3 1946.
Ponder, Dale White of Norman. NOK Pay Ponder.
Ponder, James Earl of Norman. Born Caddo Gap April 7 1934. NOK Mrs Etta Ponder of Borger, TX
Ponder, Nathan Ray of Norman. Married. Farmer, self employed. NOK Mrs N.R. Ponder. Army 38450102 Feb. 6 1943 to Jan. 12 1946. 5th Special Services.
Poole, Thomas, Thurston of Silver. Teacher School District # 20 Mt. Ida, Grade School subjects, Mount Ida, AR. NOK George Poole. Born Dec. 1 1923, Silver, AR.
Pope, Charles Alonzo of Fir Route, Mount Ida. NOK Lon Pope, farmer.
Pope, Jefferson Lafayette of Mount Ida. Timber worker, harvest of timber for W.H. Carpenter of Mount Ida. NOK Russel Pope.
Porter, Carl James of Hopper, AR. NOK Harve Porter, farmer.
Porter, Colman Clide, of Hopper. Born 11 1934, Hopper. Date Oct. 13 1953. Occupation: Unpaid family worker. NOK Harve Porter, farmer.
Porter, Harris Rubert of Hopper, AR. NOK Harve Porter
Porter, Henry Andrew, NOK Harve Porter
Porter, Troy Clem of Hopper. Harve Porter (father)
Porter, Willard Dave. of Hooper, AR. Occupation: Farming, self.NOK Mrs Alice Porter.
Powell, Harold Fred of Oden. Born June 6 Hot Springs, AR. NOK L.W. Powell, Oden, farmer.
Pranter, Johnnie William of Mount Ida. Occupation: Sawmilling, hauling logs and cutting lumber for Shay Swindle. of Mount Ida, AR. Contact Mrs Addie Foley.
Prince, Billy Fred, Mt. Ida. Occupation: Student. Ark. Tech. Russellville, AR. Contact Mrs Nell Bush, Mount Ida. Army 18291139 Oct. 16 1946 to Marc 3 1948.
Prince, Carl Jones, of Mount Ida. Born Mauldin Aug. 21 1926. Occupation: Logger, hauling logs to sawmill for Claude Bush, Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Wanda Jean Prince. Army 38735434 Dec. 21 1944 to Aug 21 1946. HDQ. Batty. 750th A.A.A. Gun Bn. Army Reserve - Corporal.
Putman, Jerry Lee of Big Fork, AR. Born Opal April 2 1930. Occupation: Farmer for Mark Putman, Big Fork. NOK Mrs Mark Putman.

Qualls, Boyd (NMN) of Story. NOK Mrs Laura Qualls. Famer for Orville Qualls.
Qualls, Burvin Cleo of Story, farmer working for Selmer Qualls. NOK Selmer Qualls.
Qualls, Cleo George of Story. Famer for self. NOK Laura Qualls. Army 38507077 May 21 1943 to Dec. 15 1945, Hdq. TR 16 Cal. QM Sqr.
Qualls, Delmer (NMN) of Sims, Farming working for Albert Qualls. NOK Albert Qualls.
Qualls, Eston, (NMN) of Sims, farming for self. Married. NOK Mrs Freda Qualls. Army 38735453 Dec. 21 1944. Batt. B. 332 F.A.B.N. Oct. 19 1946.
Qualls, George Washington, born July 31, 1934, Oden. Occupation: Repairman for Tench Electric Motors, Shreveport. NOK Rufus Qualls, Oden.
Qualls, James Bernest of Story. NOK Selmer Qualls. Working for Selmer Qualls, farming.
Qualls, Laintus Walter of Story, Farming for Orville Quall. NOK Orville, Qualls.
Qualls, Leon (NMN) of Sims, farming for Zelmer Qualls. NOK Zelmar Qualls.
Qualls, Lonnie of Story. Famer for C.A. Qualls.  NOK Mrs Edith Qualls.
Qualls, Neuman Riley of Story. Self employed farming. NOK Riley W. Qualls. Navy 9677030 4-11-44 to 1-25-46 Fleet Airwing (Pacific)
Qualls, Vestel Lavone of Sims, unemployed. Born Washita Feb. 15 1939. Date Feb. 18 1957. NOK Albert Qualls
Qualls, Wendell Preston of Story. Student. NOK Orville Qualls. Born Oct. 2 1929.

Raines, Billy (NMN) of Caddo Gap. NOK Bert Raines. Air Corps 18248554 May 10 1946 to July 28 1947. 3501 Base Unit.
Raines, Paul Leonard of Norman. NOK Leslie Raines. Student A & M College Magnolia, AR. National Guard 25428400 Sept. 16 1947  Co. B 206 Tak Bn.. PVT.
Ramsey, Delter Kenneth of Fir Route Mt Ida. Contact William Phillips, farmer
Ramsey, Jr. William Felix of Opal. Born Dec. 12 1931, Alf. NOK W.F. Ramsey
Raum, Hans Roland of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Rev. H. Raum. Occupation: Forester P-1, U.S. Forest Service, National Forest Administration, Mount Ida.
Rawls, Paul Felix of Norman. NOK Grover Rawls. Army 19 300 381 Jan. 20 1947 to Dec. 16 1949. 1701st Food Ser. Sq.
Ray, Lecil Felton of Mount Ida. Contact Hubert Forga.
Ray, Willie Arnold. NOK J.F. Ray of Story. Timber worker for father.
Reed, Bobby Ray of Story. NOK Mr Leonard Reed (father)
Reed, Buven Joe of Washita. NOK Mrs Roxie Reed. Works for W.L. Reed, farmer.
Reed, John Harrison of Story. NOK J.M. Reed. Army 38602274 Jan. 4 1944 to Feb. 8 1947. 1787th Lbr. Supv. Co.  Reserve S/Sgt Inf.
Reed, Paul Dee of Story. NOK J.M. Reed, farmer
Reed, Ray Vaughn of Story. NOK Monroe Reed. Self employed farming. Army 38721811 May 18 1945 to 29th Med. Depot. Nov. 18 1946. None.
Reed, Sherlan James of Washita. NOK Tommie Reed, father.
Reed, Wayne Justice of Sims. Married. NOK Mrs Stella Reed. Farmer self employed. Army 38399850 Feb. 23 1943 to June 3 1943 Batty #554 C.A.
Reppo, Dwight Franklin of Glenwood. NOK W.R. Reppo.
Reppo, Jimmy (NMN) of Glenwood. NOK Mr Wintfred Reppo, father.
Reppo, Thomas Eugene  of Highway 7 Montgomery County, Rt. 1, Glenwood.
Reynolds, Henry Eldred of Norman. Married. NOK Mrs Marie Reynolds. Block-setter for Deierks [sic] Lumber & Coal Co. navy 974 40 56 Aug. 11 1944 to Sept. 22 1944  USNTC San Diego, Calif.
Reynolds, Luther Dewell of Sims. Married. Contact Waymon Chambers of Sims. Self employed farmer. Navy 6314168 Sept. 11 1944. USS Karnes APO 175
Ricketson, Dwight Lindy of Black Springs. NOK Mrs Zena Ricketson. Works at driving milk truck for Granville Warren, Black Springs.
Ridenour, Bobby Gene of Norman. Married. NOK Oscar Ridenour. Self employed working in timber. Air Force AF 19524384 May 20 1955 to June 28 1955
Risenhoover, Windell Lee of Oden. NOK Almer Risenhoover, of Opal.
Roach, Calvin Wright of Route #1 of Norman. NOK E.D. Roach, farmer.
Roach, Calvin Virginia Rt. 1 Norman. NOK Edgar Roach.
Roach, John Harold of Route #1 of Norman. NOK Edgar Roach.
Robbins, Damon Auston of Norman. Born Jan. 1 1938 Norphlet, Arkansas.  NOK Mrs Alice Robbins.
Robbins, Dee Ray of Caddo Gap. NOK Arl Robbins. Army AF-18290690 9/26/46 to 9/26/49
Robbins, Harlan Donald of Norman. NOK Mrs Alice Robbins
Robbins, Henry Ford of Caddo Gap. Married. A.R. Robbins. Construction worker of welding pipe line, Mount Ida. Army 38665223 April 12 1944 to Dec. 6 1945. Co. G. 232nd Inf.
Robbins, Jack (NMN) of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Daisy Robbins, mother. US Navy 2821542 6/13/55 to 5/14/1058. USS Bennington CBA 20.  US Navy Reserve, inactive.
Robbins, James Douglas of Norman Route, Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Muriel Robbins. Trucker for self. General hauling. Navy 9742440 May 19 1944 to 10 June 1944 USN T & Dis. Center, Camp Wallace, Texas.
Robbins, James L. of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Mattie Robbins. Air Force 18 290 195 8/29/46 to 9/13/49.  1500 Air Police SQ APO 953
Robbins, Jimmy Ray of Route #1 Norman. NOK Earl Robbins
Robbins, Tony Mac of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Daisy Robbins, mother.
Robbins, William Truman of Norman. Married. NOK Alice Robbins. Army Inf. 38665228 April 12 1944 to May 25 1946. Reserves SGT.
Roberts, Gene (NMN) of Alf. NOK Elvis Roberts of Alf.
Roberts, William Paul of Mount Ida. NOK N.L. Roberts. Service Station attendant for Gulf Service Station, Mount Ida. Navy 6312963 April 21 1944 to Feb. 19 1946 USS Serrano ATF 112.
Robertson, George Evan, of Mount Ida. NOK Mr Elmer Snider (stepfather). Wrecking service.  Wrecking cars and selling parts. Born Pencil Bluff June 2 1940.
Robertson, Jeff Davis of Mount Ida. Born Feb. 22 1932, Lee County. NOK Mrs Elmer Snider.
Robertson, Johnie Udell of Washita. NOK Floyd Keenom. Occupation: Timber Harvest and Sawmill for R.E. Seale of Washita.
Robins, J.I of Mount Ida. NOK Frank Robins. Self employed farmer.
Robins, Mearl Clayton of Mount Ida. NOK Frank Robins. Born April 11 1924, Mount Ida, Arkansas. Full time student. date Sept. 3 1948.
Rodgers, Earnest Edward of Norman. NOK John Rodgers. Rt. #1 Norman. Harvest of timber for Sigman Timber Co. Glenwood.
Rogers, Kenneth Leah of Oden. NOK Hoyt Rogers.
Rogers, Larry Leroy of Oden. NOK Hoyt Rogers, father.
Roop, Robert Lewis of Mount Ida. Contact Mrs Lillie Floyd Ward
Rowland, Archie Orlean of Buckville, Arkansas. NOK Ruey Rowland, farmer.
Rowland, Darrel Lee of Buckville. NOK Mrs Viola Rowland. Works for Ruey Rowland, farmer, Buckville.
Rowland, Erlene Amond of Washita. NOK Nealey Rowland of Washita.
Rowland, Everrett DeLon of Sims. NOK Mr L.W. Rowland, father
Rowland, Howard Washington of Sims. NOK Lum Rowland, farmer
Rowland, Raze Green of Sims. NOK Nesly Rowland.
Rowland, William Melvin of Norman. Married. NOK Melvin Rowland.  Yard labor for American Zinc Co.  Moore Co., TX
Rowton, James Calvin of Norman. NOK Mrs Cleve Rowton.
Rowton, Raymond T. of Norman. Born Gaston June 7 1927. Married. Mrs Christine Rowton. Works for Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. of Norman, Arkansas, manufacture of limber.  Army 38725135 Sept. 10 1945 to Feb. 6 1946. 3706th AAF Base Unit
Ryan, L.D. of Oden. Star Route Oden. NOK Dale Ryan, farmer.
Ryan, Leonard Lewis of Rt. #1 of Norman, Arkansas. Born Cedar Glades, Arkansas Nov 5 1928. NOK Mrs. Flora Ryan. Work as a farmer for Claude Ryan, livestock & food crops.
Ryan, Robert Olen of Route #1 of Norman, Ark. Born Nov. 9 1923, Buckville. Date Sept. 1 1948. NOK Mrs Flora Ryan. Unpaid family worker on farm.
Ryan, Turel Johnnie of Route #1 Norman. NOK Claude Ryan.

Sandlin, Lowell Lovell of Mount Ida. Contact Mrs Ellis Newman. of Mount Ida.
Scantling, Herbert Lee of Mount Ida. Manufacturing of barrel staves for La Goss Heading Mill, Mount Ida. Married, NOK Mrs E.L. Scantling.
Scott, Carl Curtis of Gaston Route, Mount Ida, Mace Scott Jr., farmer.
Scott, Cleberne Dale of Mount Ida. Pool Hall Operator for Ed. Goble, recreation parlor, Mount Ida. Army 38509480 June 16 1943 to July 9 1945 Co. K 313th Inf. 79th Div.
Scott, Darrell Thomas, Gaston Route Mount Ida. NOK Alva Scott
Scott, Floyd Jackson of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Vernell Scott. Store Clerk, Holt Hardware, retail merchandise. Army 18291800
Scott, Harold Jackson, married, Mrs Pauline Scott of Mount Ida. Truck driver Arkansas State Highway Dept. Building & maintaining roads. Army 38511036 July 13 1943 to Dec. 13 1945. Hdq. Btn 34th Div.
Scott, James Guilford of Gaston Route, Mount Ida. NOK Guilford Scott, farmer
Scott, Leon Thomas of Gaston Route Mount Ida. NOK Lon Scott. Occupation: labor, Arkansas State Highway Dept. Road repairs.  Navy 8444061 7-13-1943 to 3-18-1947, Seabea Bt [sic]
Scott, Lloyd Wilber of Mount Ida. Married. NOK A.W. Scott. Manufacture of limber for Scott Limber Co.
Scott, Neil Owen of Mount Ida. NOK Vera Scott. Occupation: Manufacture of lumber for Moudy Lumber Co.
Scott, Rudolph Darrell of Mount Ida. married. NOK A.W. Scott. Works for Scott Lumber Co. manufacturing lumber. Navy 9675678 April 3 1944 and Sept. 15 1944.USPHS Ft. Worth, Tex.
Scott, Vernon Thomas of Gaston Rote, Mount Ida. NOK M.S. Scott. farmer.
Scott, Waymon Earnest of Gaston Route, Mount Ida. NOK Lon Scott
Seale, James Edward of Washita. NOK R.E. Seale. Occupation: Saw mill worker for R.E. Seale, Washita.
Seale, Nesbit (NMN) of Washita. NOK R.E. Seale, Washita.
Seale, Shirley Wayne of Story. NOK Roy David Seale.
Sekavec, Guy (NMN) of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs C.K. Sekavec. Repair of radios, self employed. Army 38734184 Nov. 16 1944 to Dec. 9 1946. 86th Sig. Co.
Sekavec, Kenneth (NMN) of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Frank Sekavec.
Sekavec, Rufus Victor of Mount Ida. NOK Milus Sekavec.
Seveall, Jasper Moriece of Story. Contact H.H. Stewart of Fanie [sic] Arkansas.
Shaw, Elvis Oden of Sims. Born Mauldin March 21 1931. NOK Mrs Audie Shaw, farmer
Shaw, Eugene Dairl of Mount Ida. Contact c/) Gilbert Stanley, Mount Ida, farming for Gilbert Stanley. NOK Mrs J.A. McKay, Mount Ida.
Shaw, Eulas Winford of Sims. Occupation: Farmer for Audie Shaw. married. Contact: Bertha Shaw of Sims.
Shaw, Irvin Leon of Sims. NOK: Mrs Alta Shaw. Army 38722766  June 14 1945 to July 15 1946  529th Sal. Co.
Shaw, Odell Harvey, married of Sims. Farmer self employed. Navy 844 34 04 June 16 1943 to Jan. 14 1946 USNPSC Memphis, Tenn.
Sheffield, Ernest Blakla of Mount Ida. NOK Ross Sheffield of Mount Ida, Hot Springs, Route. Occupation: Cutting timber for Shay Swindle. Cutting logs and stave bolts.
Sheffield, Harold Curtis of Silver. NOK Ross Sheffield of Silver.
Sheffield, John Charles of Fir Route, Mount Ida. NOK C.P. Sheffield. Army 38733431 Oct. 19 1944 82nd Airborne Div. to July 28 1947. Army Reserve PFC 404 Comp. Gr. Camp Chaffee, Ark.
Shields, Grady Oliver of Hopper, AR. NOK J.A. Shields, farming.
Shields, Paul Gibson of Alf. NOK B.J. Shields, farmer.
Shipman, Paul Murry of Oden. Occupation: Minister, Baptist. Nature of business: Pastor. Married. NOK G.W. Shipman.
Short, Billy Jack, Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Alva Short.
Short, James Junior of Caddo Gap. married. NOK J.J. Short. Farmer for American Zinc Co.
Short, James Marvin of Mount Ida. NOK Martin Short of Rt. #1, Norman.
Short, Jimmy Jewl of Mount Ida. NOK Thomas Short of Mount Ida. Navy 3479655 1/23/50 to April 15 1953.
Short, Lewie NMN of Rt #1 Glenwood. Married. NOK Lewis F. Short. Army 39039711 Feb. 20 1943 to Oct. 3 1945 Co. C 443 Chemical Motor Bn.
Short, Thomas, of Mount Ida, married. NOK Mrs Laverne Short.
Simpson, Durrell (NMN) of Oden. Born Pine Ridge. Occupation: manufacture of lumber for Vaughn Lumber. Co.  Married. NOK Mrs Veronia Simpson of Oden. Navy 6314848 Nov. 16 1944 to Dec. 23 1945, 4th, Special Sea-bees.
Simpson, James Lee Otus, Mount Ida, AR. NOK J.B. Simpson.
Singleton, Charlie (NMN) of Oden. married. NOK Mrs Coleta Singleton. Farmer, self employed.
Singleton, Eugene (NMN) married. NOK Mrs Eugene Singleton. Farmer, self employed. Army 38663321 3-21-44 to 6-3-46, Enlistment Det.
Singleton, Floyd Dale of Oden. NOK Kirby Singleton.
Singleton, J. L .(IO), NOK Mrs I.A. Singleton. farmer for I.A. Singleton
Singleton, Joffree Waylon of Pincle [sic] Bluff. NOK Calvin Singleton.
Singleton, Velda (NMN) of Sims. married NOK Ellen Singleton.
Sisk, Iscaac [sic] Randolph of Oden. Contact H.D. Williams of Oden, farmer.
Slaughter, William Thomas of Norman. NOK W.C. Slaughter. Air Force 19255797. July 31 1946 to April 7 1948. 12th Air Force. AFR.
Smallwood, George William of Pencil Bluff. Born Feb. 16th 1932 at Forester, Arkansas. Occupation" Farming for E.W. Smallwood.
Smallwood, Jim Morris of Pencil Bluff. NOK E.W. Smallwood.
Smallwood, Olen Edward of Oden. NOK E.W. Smallwood, father.
Smedley, Jimmy Reed of Norman. NOK J.P. Smedley.
Smith, Burl Donald of Norman. NOK Raymond Smith -brother 706 Harbor Hill, Lomita, Calif. Enlisted AF 9-5-46 to 2-17-1949 AF 18 290 277and enlisted  2-17-1952 to 2-17-1958
Smith, Darrell Ross of Norman. NOK Mrs Mae Smith
Smith, Dave NMN of Story. Married, Mrs Dave Smith.
Smith, Donald Joe of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Lena Irby.
Smith, Edward L of Oden. NOK Frank Smith
Smith, Frank (NMN) of Norman. NOK May Smith. Born July 30 1934, Pine Valley, OK (Oaklahoma) [sic]
Smith, Herschel Eugene of Norman. contact Tex C. Resor of Norman
Smith, James Burton of Washita. NOK John L. Smith
Smith, Martin of Pine Ridge. NOK Andrew Smith
Smith, Royal Cleo of Story. NOK Elmer Smith
Smith, Sidney B. of Route #2 of Bonnerdale. Self employed farming Beef & dairy. NOK Paule E. Smith.
Smith, Sylvester (None) of Caddo gap, Arkansas. Contact Met Wehunt.
Smith, Wilbur Mathew of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Lizzie Smith
Smith, William Carl of Oden. NOK Frank Smith of Oden.
Southard, Gerald Frank of Story. Occupation: Farming for self livestock & food crops. Army 38 728 085 March 7 1946 to August 29 1946.
Spalding, Thomas Luther of Norman, Langley Route. NOK W.H. Spalding.
Sparks, Carroll Layne of Mount Ida. NOK Harry Sparks.
Spurling, Cleo William of Oden. NOK Ella Mae Spurling.
Spurling, John D. of Oden. NOK Mrs Ella Spurling.
Spurling, Lee of Oden. NOK Mrs Ella Spurling. Navy 844 89 38 Dec. 13 1943 to Jan. 21 1946. USS LST 117
Stachey, Willie Gene, of Story. NOK Grover Stachey, farmer.
Stafford, James Theodore of  Mt Ida. Born Caddo Gap Dec 4 1939. Mr Amos Horn (Guardian)
Standridge, Charles Gary, Mount Ida, AR. NOK Clyde Standridge.
Standridge. Dwight Herbert of Norman. NOK Mrs Prudie Standridge.
Standridge, Fred (NMN) of Mount Ida. NOK Lester Standridge, farmer. Navy 631 6327 June 13 1945 to Aug. 8, 1946, Postal Atty. 14th N. Dist.
Standridge, Harold Loyd of Mount Ida. NOK Lester Standridge
Standridge, Jon Allan of Mount Ida. NOK Clyde Standridge
Standridge, Olen Allen of Opal. NOK Joe Standridge
Standridge, Othel of Pine Ridge. NOK Riley Standridge
Stanley, A.D. of Silver, Arkansas. ROTC 9-13-48 Sig. Corps. NOK Lee Stanley.
Stanley, Brack Jr. (NMN) of Silver, Ark. NOK Brack Stanley, farmer.
Stanley, Franklin Delano Roosevelt of Hot Springs, NOK George W. Stanley
Stanley, Gilbert Wilburn of Mount Ida. NOK G.W. Stanley
Stanley, Lud Drew of Mount Ida. Contact: Woodrow Forbes, farmer.
Stanley, L.G. of Silver, AR. Mechanic, repair all kinds of machinery. Navy 8449007 Dec. 13 1944 to May 24 1946 USS Topeka. Naval Reserve S/1c USNR NOK Mrs Lee Stanley, of Silver.
Stanley, Martin Eugene of Sliver. NOK Brack Stanley
Stanley, Ola Lee of Mount Ida. NOK Ocus Stanley
Stanley, Toney (NMN) of Silver, Ark. Army 38734185 Nov. 16 1944  to Jan. 17 1945. Unassigned. NOK Mrs Clara Stanley
Stanley, Vernon (NMN) of Silver. NOK Mrs  Prebble Stanley.
Stapp, Omer Odell , Gaston Route, Mount Ida, AR Mrs Ada Stapp, mother. Army RA 18 483 477 3-11-55 to 2-25-58. Co. E. 187th Inf. 1st ABG. 2-25-58.
Starr, James Ray of Oden. Self employed, hauling logs, billets and posts. Navy 3495641 11-7-55 to 12-12-57 USS Shangrila CVA 38 NOK Mr Elmer Starr.
Stevenson, Charles Ray of  Washita Rt. Mount Ida. Navy 3484727 Aug. 13 1951 to April 8 1955 Naval Reserve Gm-3 8th Naval District NOK Florene Stevenson
Stewart, Grady Jr of Mount Ida. NOK Grady Stewart, Sr.
Stewart, Lloyd Cecil of Story. NOK Lonie Stewart, farmer.
Stewart, Mervin Kenneth of Story. NOK Lonnie Stewart.
Stewart, Robert Franklin of Norman. Timber work for Sam Horne. NOK Mrs Maude Stewart
Stone, Daniel Dale of Silver. Hauling pulp-wood billets for Brack Stanley.
Storm E.W. (IO) of Fannie. NOK John Storms, farmer.
Stovall, Carril (NMN) of Sims. Farmer, self employed. Married. NOK Velma Stovall. Army 38736130 Jan. 10 1945 to Sept. 31 1946. GHQ, Tokyo, Japan.
Stovall, Devon (NMN) of Sims. NOK Bird Stovall, farmer.
Stovall, Donald Ray of Pencil Bluff. Tractor Driver for Highway Dept, Road Construction & maintenance. NOK Felbert Stovall
Stovall, Helton (NMN) of Sims, married. NOK Mrs Martin V. Stovall. Self employed farmer.
Stovall, Kenneth Derel of Sims. NOK Coy Stovall.
Stovall, Kenneth Verl of Oden. NOK Felbert Stovall, Boles Rt. Oden.
Stovall, Weldon (NMN) of Sims. Married. NOK Jeff Stovall.
Stroope, A.D. of Norman. NOK Alva Stroope, farmer.
Summit, Aldon Theron of Oden. NOK Steely Summit, farmer
Summit, Creo Alec of Sims. Army 38725134 Sept. 10 1945 to July 13 1947 97th Cost. Sig. Squ C. Tr. NOK Frank Summit
Summit, Hezzie Leon, married. NOK Mrs Lillie Summit of Sims. Army 38663319 March 25 1944 to Jan. 4 1946 Co. B. 133rd Inf. 34 Div.
Summit, John Wesley of Sims. NOK Mrs Alam Summit
Summit, Olis Glen of Sims. NOK Mr Gordon H. Summit, farmer.
Summitt, Eumon Evron of Mount Ida, NOK Earl Summitt
Summitt, Wilburn Lewis of Sims, married. NOK Mrs Anna Lois Summitt. Navy 9675679 March 27 1944 to June 20 1946. Ships Company. USNR S/1c.
Summitt, Wilson Thomas of Mount Ida, born Sims, married. NOK Mrs Marchie Summitt. Mechanic for Hollis West, General repairs on truck, autos & farm machinery. Army 38452973 March 10 1942 to Sept. 16 1943 Co. 244 Sig. Bn.
Summitt, Winsellee Hollis of Sims. Cowboy for Billy Singleton, raises livestock and some cotton, about 9 miles east of Dumas, Desha, AR
Swindle, Dale Lloyd, married. NOK Mrs Dale Swindle.  Salesman for Goff Grocer., Wholesale Gro. Co. at Mena, Ark.
Swindle, James Timothy of Norman. Occupation: Saw-mill worker. Army 38665337 April 11 1944 to May 6 1946 1st Cal. Div. NOK Sam Swindle of Black Springs.
Swindle, Joe Carrol of Mount Ida. NOK Sanders Swindle.
Swindle, Richard Duey of Mount Ida. NOK Saner Swindle.

Tabor, Alger Arvin of Pencil Bluff. NOK M.E. Tabor
Tabor, Gerald Theodore of Oden, married. NOK Mrs Maxine Tabor. Occupation: Harvest of timber for Mid-West Timber products at Oden.
Tabor, Odell Elvin of Pencil Bluff. NOK Dale Tabor.
Tabor, Ottis Edward of Oden Route, Mount Ida. Married. NOK M.E. Tabor. Occupation: Mechanic - auto repair, Mount Ida. Air Corps AR 18329967 5-18-1948 to 3-2-1949
Tabor, Wayne Everon of pencil Bluff. Clerk for F.C. Stearns hardware Co., Hot Springs, wholesale hardware and supplies. NOK Dale Tabor, Cooper Lane, Hot Springs.
Tackett, Clifford Clyde. of Norman.
Tackett, J.C. of Route #2 Bonnerdale. NOK Joe Tackett. Navy 844 4062 July 13 1945 to March 5 1946. USNPSC Memphis, Tenn.
Tackett, John Earl of Route #2 Bonnerdale. Occupation: Timber worker, harvest of timber, self employed. NOK John Tackett.
Tackett, Joseph William of Norman
Talley, George Lee of Mount Ida. NOK Mr Lee Talley.
Taylor, Daniel Franklin of Caddo Gap. NOK Mr Hollis Taylor, father.
Taylor, Delmer Paul of Story. Contact Floyd Bryant, Story, farmer.
Taylor, Earl Dean of Story. NOK Jim W. Taylor
Taylor, Neal (NMN) of Oden. NOK W.D. Taylor of Oden. Army 33776269 March 21 1944 to April 27 1946. CO. A 284th Combat. Eng.
Tedford, Eldon Lennis of Washita, Ark. NOK V.W. Tedford. Army 38724610 Aug. 6 1945 to Jan. 12. 1947. 8th Ord. Batt.
Tedford, Elton Don of Sims. NOK Albert Tedford, farmer.
Tedford, Lee Vaughan of Story. NOK T.J. Tedford of Story, father, farming.
Thompson, James Riley of Black Springs. NOK Clarence Thompson
Thompson, Lawrence of Norman, Ark. NOK Bill Thompson, Bates, Ark/ Farmer Scott Co. AR. Navy 88441126 March 15 1943 to Aug. 2 1946.
Thornton, Billy Gene of Caddo gap. NOK Cecil Thornton.
Tidwell, Charles Frederick of Kenny Twp, Glenwood (Montgomery) NOK E.L. Tidwell. Occupation: Laborer-farming for Father.
Tidwell, Dewill (NMN) of Mount Ida. Born Washita Dec. 11 1931. NOK Buck Tidwell
Tidwell, Garlon Cecil of Glenwood. NOK E.L. Tidwell, farmer. Army 38668872 May 17 1944 to May 27 1947 HDQ. Co. V. Corps.
Tidwell, Kenny Lee of Glenwood. NOK Mr John Tidwell
Todd, Billy Eathern of Hopper, AR. NOK Mrs Billy Ray, mother. Air Force AF 18502153 Aug. 15 1956 to March 20 1958. 26yth Ftre. Intcp. Sq.
Todd, G.B. Millworker for Long Bell Lumber Co., Longview Cowhite Wash.  NOK Mrs Ida Todd. Army 19-13-35-34. Jan. 9th 1948 to April 26 1950 7th Inf. Division Artillery.
Todd, Grady Eugene of Silver. NOK M.B. Todd, farmer.
Todd, Maruin Duell, of Fir Route Mount Ida, married. NOK Mrs Lorine Todd. Farmer, self employed. Navy 9677032 April 11 1944 to May 21 1946, NTC San Diego, Calif.
Todd, Robert Lewis of Mount Ida, married. NOK Mrs. Arline Todd. Farmer self employed.
Tucker, Billy Lee, of Oden. NOK Vell Tucker.
Tucker, Farrell Eugene of Oden. NOK Vell Tucker. Farmer.
Tucker, James Albert, Pencil Bluff, NOK Vell Tucker.
Turner, John Edward of Caddo Gap. Occupation Cat Skinner, Bixby Hereford ranch, Careyhurst Wyoming. Contact Noble Medlock, Caddo Gap.
Tweedle, Billy Ray of Caddo Gap. Millworker for Pacific Lumber Co, Scotia, California. NOK Basil Tweedle, Caddo Gap.
Tweedle, Gerald (NMN), of Hopper, married. NOK Mrs Gerald Tweedle. Farmer, self employed. Army 18219277 Dec. 1 1942 to Oct. 25 1945. 317th Group carrier 41st Squ
Tyree, Billy Ray of Norman. NOK Joe Tyree.
Tyree, William JD., of Norman. Truck driver, hauling logs for sawmill, Norman, Montgomery County, Arkansas

Van Steanwyk, Lonnie Ross of Black Springs. NOK Joe Van Steenwyk.
Vaught, Jerry Reginald of Caddo Gap. NOK Hugh R. Vaught.
Vaughn, Rufus Douglas of Glenwood, Ark. NOK R.D. Vaughn.
Vincent, Albert Cliford of Oden, AR  Trucker, self employed, haul logs for saw-mill. Army 3859446 June 29 1943 to 28 Sept. 1945 1106th Army Air Force Base Unit. Married. NOK Mrs Helen Vincent.
Vincent, Charles Harold of Oden. Harvest of timber for Midwest Timber Co. NOK A.Z. Vincent.
Vincent, Clinton, Dale of Oden. NOK F.L. Vincent, farmer.
Vincent, Jack Clifford of Oden. Student Mt. Pine High School. NOK Fred Vincent, Mt. Pine.
Vines, Eldon Loyd of Oden. Married. Sawmill worker for Snow Lumber Co. , Oden, Ark. Navy 631 47 04 Oct. 28 1944 to Jan. 5 1945. USNTC San Diego, Calif.NOK J.S. Vines.
Vines, Elzie Ray of Oden. Born Sims June 19 1930. NOK Mrs Sterling Vines, farmer.
Vines, Lendel Melvin of Oden. Born Sims May 29 1938. NOK Sterling Vines of Oden
Vines, Raybern Sterling, student Oden High School. Born Sims Nov. 25 1934. NOK Sterling Vines of Oden.

Waggoner, L. (IO) C., Route #1 Glenwood, Full time Student. NOK Mrs Bea Waggoner.
Waggoner, Lester Ray, Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Mrs B. Waggoner
Wallace, Jack Edward, Norman, AR, Rt #1. Contact Mrs Effie Hammons, Norman. Army Inf. 38510283 16 July 1943 to 1 Jan. 1946 90th Div.
Walters, Ben Lewis, Mount Ida. Born January 16 1930 Pine Valley Okla. Married. NOK Mrs Oma Walters, wife. Log cutter for Walter Alexander, Mount Ida. Air Force AF 19 346 526 Sept. 10 1951 to Sept. 10 1950. 3804 FLD. Maint. Sqd.
Ward, Harold Dee of Pencil Bluff. NOK E.L. ward. Mechanic for Wards's Garage, pencil Bluff. Auto repair.
Ward, L.D. of Pencil Bluff. NOK E.L. Ward.
Ward, Leonard Doyce of Glenwood. Logging - self employed.  NOK: Loyd Ward.
Ward, Vester (NMN) of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs Wilma Mae Ward. Occupation Crushing limestone for Ark. Aglime Co., Mount Ida. Navy 6302781 July 22 1942 to Nov. 10 1945 Hedron FAW. 2
Warneke, John Wilson of Mount Ida. NOK John Warneke.
Warneke, Louis James of Mount Ida. Service Station Attendant for Browse & Smith, Auto Service. NOK John Warneke
Warnick, Lonnie Lorie of Norman. NOK Hester Warnick. Navy 349 23 99 Jan. 29 1955 to March 11 1955.
Warnick, Thurman Junior of Norman. NOK C.H. Warnick.
Watkins, George Neil of Mount Ida.  NOK Mrs George Watkins. Navy 631 24 55 Feb. 21 1944 to Feb. 27 1946 USS P.C. 825
Watkins, John William of Mount Ida. NOK Mr Harold Watkins. Born Nov. 18 1934. Student of U.A. Date Nov. 18 1952.
Watson, Tommy Roe of Black Springs. Born March 30 1934. NOK Alton Watson. Student. Date April 1 1952
Wattenbarger, Kenneth Earl of Norman. NOK Earl Wattenbarger.
Weeks, Lloyd A. of Caddo Gap. Married NOK Mrs Elnora Hazen. Army RA 17031799 5-31-46 to 2-15-1950. Co. C 716th MP BN Ft. Dix N.J.
Wehunt, Raymond Allen of Caddo Gap. Born Sept. 6 1937. Student. Date Sept. 6 1955. NOK E.A. Wehunt.
Wells, Lawton Lee of Mt. Ida. Saw milling for Lee Moudy of Mt. Ida. Married. NOK Ottie Wells.
Wells, Lynn Autry of Mount Ida. NOK Mervin Wells.
West, Allen Edward of Mount Ida. NOK Homer West, father. Air Force, AF 18 501 645 3/13/56 to 3/12/60 4510 Suppron.
West, Howard Lee of Sims. Married. NOK Mrs Maurine West. Farmer, self employed. Livestock & food crops. Army 38734172 Nov. 16 1944  to Aug. 17 1946. Co. D 399th Inf. 100 Div.
West, James Floyd of Caddo Gap. married. NOK Ira C. West. Farmer, self employed livestock & other farm produce. Army 38731403 Aug. 10 1943 to Jan. 7 1945. Btty C. 370th F.A. BN.
West, Jerry Douglas of Norman. NOK A.J. West, farmer.
West, Jimmie Gerald of Caddo Gap. Student. Born Feb. 25 1934. NOK Troy West. Date Feb. 25 1952.
West, Johnnie Norma of Mount Ida. Timber work, cutting and hauling billets for Bobby Palsa, Montgomery County, AR. NOK Herman West, father.
West, Otho Leon of Caddo Gap. NOK Ada E. West. Student. Born Sept. 28 1933 in Omega New Mexico. Date Oct. 1 1951.
West, Paul Wilburn of Caddo Gap. NOK Mrs Mattie West.
West, Richard Dale of Caddo Gap. NOK Mr Dale West. Student Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia
West, Wilburn (NMN) of Mount Ida. Married NOK Mrs Veda West. Occupation Building Bridges for County Highway Dept, Public Works. Mount Ida, Montgomery County, Arkansas. Navy 844 75 68 Nov. 1943 to Dec. 18 1945. USS Joplin Victory.
Weston, Bobby Lee of Norman. Born March 20 1935 Seminole Oklahoma. Factory worker at Rockford Textile Mills, Rockford, Illonois [sic] Manufacturing of cloth. NOK Lee Weston, Norman
Weston, Curtis Roger of Route #1 Norman. Born Wewoka, Oklahoma Aug. 27 1934. NOK Lee Weston.
Weston, Hermus Lenzie of Norman. Born Wewoka, OK Aug. 28 1928. NOK D.L. Weston, farmer.
Weston, Hershel Lee of Norman. Born Alamo, Ark May 13 1940 .NOK Lee Weston, father, farmer General farming & stock raising.
Weston, Joseph Henry Carl of Route #1 Norman. Stationary - fireman, for Pane & Dolan Construction Co. highway construction, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Weston, Joseph Lester of Norman. Born March 20 1030, Wewoka, Okla.NOK Mrs Effie Weston. Farmer for D.L. Weston
Weston, Odis Lindsey of Mt. Ida, married. Born Wewoka Okla, Jan. 5 1925. NOK Lee Weston.
Weston, Teddie Dean of Route #1, Norman. NOK D.L. Weston. 
Wheeler, Clarence Sherlin of Mount Ida. Clerk & Salesman for Oklahoma Tire & Supply Store, Mount Ida. NOK Mr Arvin C. Wheeler.
Wheeler, Johnnie Eugene of Route #1 Norman. Born April 10 1030. Marianna, Arkansas. NOK Tom Wheeler, farmer.
Wheeler, Lloyd Eugene of Mount Ida. NOK Earl Wheeler.  Navy 631 73 60 Oct. 16 1945. USS Rutland APA 192 Aug 19 1946.
Whisenhunt, Barney James of Mount Ida. Works for Davis Whisenhunt, harvesting of timber. Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Ollie Whisenhunt.
Whisenhunt, Billy Doyle of Mount Ida. NOK Mr Doyle Whisenhunt, father.
Whisenhunt, Billy Joe of Route #1, Glenwood. NOK J.D. Whisenhunt
Whisenhunt, Jr. Cleve Effe of Caddo Gap. NOK Mrs Cleve Whisenhunt
Whisenhunt, Edward Wayne of Hopper. Born August 28 1932 Fancy Hill. NOK I.E. Whisenhunt, farmer
Whisenhunt, Gilford Rolland of Sims. Clerk at Scott-Elder Grocery. Contact: Witt Whisenhunt of Sims.
Whisenhunt, Jack Pat of Hopper. NOK Ivan Whisenhunt, farmer.
Whisenhunt, J.W. of Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Sam Whisenhunt, farmer.
Whisenhunt, Ruben H of Rt #1 Glenwood. Married. Contact Frank Howard.
Whisenhunt, Russell Glen of Sims. NOK Whitt Whisenhunt, father. Employed by father to cut and haul billets. Timber worker.
White, Andrew Clifford of Fir Route Mount Ida. NOK A.C. White. Army  30444340 Jan. 12 1943 to March 14 1946. 141st Inf.  Left leg off above knee.
White, Gene Clark Fir Route Mount Ida. NOK A.C. White, farmer
White, James William of Norman. Married. NOK Mrs J.W. White. Self employed, farmer. Livestock & Food crops. Navy 6308811 Nov. 18 1942. to Jan 24 1946. CMU 540.  Naval Reserve. Rank: Cm/2CL.
White, Jimmy Marion of Oden. NOK George White
White, Lorie Hersel of Norman. NOK W.O. White
White, Samuel David of Mount Ida. Married. NOK Mrs George White, Oden. Teacher, Mount Ida High School, teaching Agriculture. Army 38665025 April 11 1944  Co. L. 310th Inf. 78th Div. Jan. 4, 1946.
White, Thorman Olen of Oden. NOK Slatter White. Born Oct. 21 1928 Boles, AR. Navy 347 75 90 5/26/38 to 2/1/49 USSS Jason AHR.
White, Weldon Earnest of Mount Ida. Born August 28 1936, Parks, Arkansas. NOK Otis White. "Died in service" 4-6-64.
Whittington, Billy Donald of, Mt. Ida. Married. NOK Mrs June Whittington. Gravel Inspector for Arkansas State Highway Department, Little Rock. Navy 8444064 July 13 1943 to Feb. 15 1946. CB. Navy Reserve  rank: SF2c.
Whittington, George Granville of Mount Ida. NOK Mr G.A. Whittington.
Whittington, Jackie Lee of Houston, TX. Born Sept. 9 1937, Mount Ida. NOK Mr Walter Whittington of Mount Ida. Air Force AF 18467 661 9/9/54 to 7/24/58. 47th Armament & Elec. Sq.
Whittington, Jerome (NMN) of Mount Ida. NOK Mr L.S. Whittington. Air Force AF 18 467 672 Sept. 9 1954 to Feb. 5 1957. 3555 Inst. Gp.
Whittington, Lloyd Delane of Mount Ida. NOK L.S. Whittington
Wilbourn, Thomas Crowell of Norman. Manager Southwest Arkansas Telephone Co. Married. NOK Mrs Jessie Ruth Wilborn.
Wilborn, William Roundtree Jr. of Norman. Married. NOK Thomas  C. Wilborn. Manager Southwest Arkansas Telephone Co.  Army 20756908  Co. F. 409th Inf. Jan. 6 1941 to Sept. 25 1945.  Born Nov. 23 1922, Little Rock.
Wilhite, Alfred Vernon of Pine Ridge. Born Cherry Hill may 28 1926.  NOK Mrs Mattie Wilhite. Works for Cecil Straub -farm products warehouse, Meridian, Sutter, Calif. Navy 974 47 38 10-20-44 to 3-21-46. USS Ranger.  USSNR rank S2/c. unassigned.
Wilhite, Bill William  [he signed his name Bill Wilalen Wilhite) of Norman. NOK Mrs Sarah Wilhite. Army 38 72 4586 Aug 8 1945 -April 1947. 317th TCG
Wilhite, John Alvin of Oden. NOK Walter Wilhite. Common labor for Snow Lumber CO of Oden, Ark.
Wilhite, Leasel Oliver of Oden. Born June 17 1926 at Pine Ridge. Contact Mrs Grace Stroud of Oden. Farmer self employed. Navy 974 47 29 Oct. 20 1944 to Dec. 4 1944. USN TC San Diego, Calif.
Willhite, Deary Argle of Oden. NOK Walter Willhite. Self employed farmer.  Livestock & food crops.
Willhite, Toye Harrison of Pine Ridge. NOK Tom Willhite of Pine Ridge. Army 387 25 143 Sept. 10 1945 to July 10 1047 9th Med. Bn. Co. A.
Williams, Billy Charles of Caddo Gap. NOK Steve Williams, farmer.
Williams, Henry Stanely of Mount Ida. NOK Mrs Ena Williams.
Williams, James Carl of Norman. NOK Mrs Martha J. Williams. Timber worker, harvest of timber for Hollis Rasberry.
Williams, James Haskell of Caddo Gap. Married NOK James D. Williams. Commercial Pilot for W.D. Burke. Crop Dusting, Floydada, Floyd, Texas. Widower. Air Force AAF T144616 Sept. 19 1943 to April 19 1946. 5 E.R.S.
Wilson, Clarence Mathews of Norman, Ark. NOK Clarence Wilson, Sr., father.
Wilson, Edwin Eugene of Silver. Born May 15 1931 Porum, OK. Contact J.E. Witherspoon, Silver.
Wilson, Elbert (NMN) of Big Fork, AR. NOK Mrs Jimmie Wilson. Self employed farmer. Army 38599176 Nov. 29 1943 to June 23 1944 Co. B 62 Bn 13 Reg. Inf.
Wilson, Frank Melton of Mount Ida. Born Buckville Nov. 11th 1940.  NOK Frank Wilson, father.
Wilson, George Andy of Fannie, Ark. NOK Luther Wilson, Timber worker, U.S. Army Engineers. Construction. Vicksburg, MISS.
Wilson, Harmon Glen of Mount Ida, Gaston Route.  Born Buckville Sept. 30 1928. NOK Frank Wilson. Common labor for Reynolds & Williams Construction Co., Montgomery County, Arkansas.
Wilson, Joe Don of Caddo Gap. NOK A.M. Wilson, farmer.
Wilson, Kelton Marc of Pencil Bluff. Born Enid, OK. Contact  F.E. Harris, Pencil Bluff.
Wilson, Waldo (NMN) of Fannie,  NOK L.T. Wilson, farmer.
Wimberly W. O of Oden. Born Dec. 15 1930 Brownfield, Texas. NOK Ode Wimberly, farmer.
Winford, James Tomie of Norman. NOK Walter Winford.
Wingfield, William Earl of Mount Ida. Married. NOK. Mrs W.E. Wingfield. Self employed farmer. Navy 9677035 April 11 1944 to May 18 1946 USS Blue Ridge.
Wood, John Bruce of Caddo Gap. NOK Mrs L.B. Wood.
Wood, J.T., of Mount Ida. NOK Tom Wood. Truck driver for Arkansas State Highway Dept. Road work. Army 38509484 June 15 1943 to March 13 1946, 457th Sub. Depot.
Wood, Leonard (NMN) of Mount Ida. Married NOK J.T. Wood. Navy 6315257 Feb. 9 1951 to May 31 1955.
Wood, Samuel Jefferson of Mount Ida. Born Gibbs, Oct. 29 1926. NOK N.J. Wood. Self employed farmer. Livestock & Food Crops. Navy 631 18 34  7/17/48 to 2/3/1950. N.A.S. Memphis, Tenn.
Worley, Wilburn Ridgers of Fannie, Arkansas. NOK Brooks Worley, farmer.
Wornick, Lee Roy of Norman. NOK Mrs Rosa Wornick.
Worrell, James W. of Mt Ida. Contact Mrs Olise Frinny, Mt. Ida.
Wright, Clifford Eugene of Caddo Cap. NOK Haskell Wright. Occupation: Driving truck for Henry Epperson of Caddo Gap.
Wright, Darrell Joe of Glenwood, Route #1.  NOK J.S. Wright
Wright, Donnie Faye of Route #1 Glenwood. NOK Joel S. Wright
Wright, Edgar R of Norman. NOK Renna Wright. Mechanic for Ryan's Garage, Mount Ida. Army 38740212 April 11 1945 to Dec. 13 1946. 1st Calvary Division
Wright, Haskel Raymond of Caddo Gap. Married. NOK Mrs Celia Wright. Works for Met Wehunt, Caddo Gap, AR.
Wright, Joel Samuel of Caney Twp, Montgomery County, Arkansas. NOK Joel S. Wright of Glenwood. Not registered.
Wright, Robert Jon of Glenwood. NOK Mr Myrkle Wright. 

Yandell, David Levi, carpenter for Harold Scott, general contractor, Glenwood, Montgomery Co., AR. NOK Tom Yandell, Caddo Gap
Yandell, James Thomas of Glenwood, farm labor & timber work for Tom Yandell. NOK Mrs Myrtle Yandell.
Yates, Jimmie Randal of Black Springs. Contact: Mrs Helen Brown.
Yeaman, Milton Johnie of Mount Ida, Hot springs Rt., Mount Ida. NOK Mr Johnie Yeaman, father.
Yeargan, James Delight of Norman. NOK Mrs Gencie Yeargan.
Yeargan, John Wylie of Norman. NOK Mrs Gencie Yeargan.
York, Vernon R. (IO), of Mount Ida. Teacher, Mount Ida High School, teaching agriculture. Navy 8440643 Jan 13 1943  US NAS Casu 22 Jan 13 1943 to Aug. 22 1944. NOK: Mrs G.P. York, Oden.
Young, Lonnie Roy of Big Fork (Montgomery). NOK Mr Roy Young.

Local Board No. 26 Garland County
Wilhite, Donald (NMN) of Mt. Pine, Arkansas. Born Nov. 4 1936, Pine Ridge. NOK P.J. Wilhite, Mt. Pine, Ark.
Wilhite, Earl junior of Mt. Pine. Born May 17th 1936 at Forester, Ark. NOK H.F. Wilhite of Mt. Pine. laborer, boat landing operator for McFadden Springs. National Guard 25 410 847 July 29 1953. PVT.
Wilhite, Robert Earl of Mt. Pine. Born Jan. 4 1938, Oden, AR. NOK Vinnie Wilhite of Mt. Pine, mother.

Polk County
Beam, Curtis Jackson, born Waynne, Okla Jan. 11 1937. Mailing address Opal, AR. NOK: (father) Bunnie Stevens Beam, Opal, AR. Student, Mena High School. Selective service No. 357376. Reg. Jan. 13, 1955.
Beam, James Allen of Big Fork, Polk Co., Ark, born Oden, Arkansas Dec. 23 1932. NOK B.S. Beam of Big Fork. Timber work for Colonel Stannon, buys lumber, Polk County, AR. 5ft 10.5" 140lbs. Scar 1.5" right cheek.
Brewer, Donald (NMN) born July 8 1928, Sulphur Springs, Ark. NOK O.B. Brewer, of Hatton, Ark. 5ft 8. Hair black. Ruby complexion. Unemployed laborer.
Brewer, S. (IO) I (IO) born October 10 1924, Oden, AR. Married. Living with wife. NOK Clifford C. Brewer of Oden. Occupation: Peeling poles for Paul Lewis. Army 38728680 June 12 1946 to Feb. 18 1947 67th Eng. Topo Co. Eyes grey. Hair brown. Complexion: medium.5ft 8" 132lbs. Date: Sept. 3 1948.
Broach, Jessie Charles born Sept. 3 1925 Ouachita, ARK. Log cutter for Fowler Lumber Co., Hatton, Polk Co. Married. Contact Bill Arthur, Cove, Polk Co., AR,
Capshaw, Joe Allan born Feb. 17 1935, Caddo Gap, ARF. NOK Leroy Standridge Rt. 3. Boc 79, Mena (stepfather). Student Acorn H.S.
Carter, Lawrence Junior born October 11 1935 Sims, Ark. Occupation: Timber work for Long Bell Lumber Co. post, timber & lumber, Mena, Ark. NOK Sterling Carter, 1107 First Street, Mena (father).
Cates, George Thomas Hwy 71, Mena. Born Jan. 22 1928, Black Springs, Ark. Sawmill hand for Leach and Herbert Sawmill, finished lumber, Highway 71, Mena. NOK Louis Cates, Mena.
Cogburn, Billy Ray of 503 North 12th St., Mena, born Dec. 9 1940, Montgomery County, Ark. NOK Harvey Cogburn, Rt 2, Box 10, Mena. (father)
Dugan, Joseph Wesket of Mena. Born May 18 1926 Norman, ARK. Mechanic, sawmill work. Contact Harley Dugan of Mena. Navy 9748357 Jan. 4 1948 to Feb. 10 1950 USS Springfield CL 66
Ellison, Louis Garry of S 9th St., Mena, born July 28 1930, Oden, ARK. NOK Waylon Ellison, Gen. Del., Mena. National Guard 25426736 Feb. 15 1948 PFC 937th FA BN Serv. Batty, ARK N.G.
Foley, Elbert Eugene of Hatfield, born Oct. 1 1928 Norman, Ark. NOK Mrs E.D. Foley of Hatfield.
Forbes, James William of 907 South Eight St. Mena. Born January 30 1935 Mt. Ida. Father Guilford Forbes of  same address in Mena. Air Force AF 18 460 605 7 June 1954 to 6 Dec. 1957  48th Fighter Interceptor. Air Force Reserves 14th Air Force, Ga. Grade A/1C
Forga, James Gilbert of 1104 10th St., Mena, born January 5 1937 at Alf, Ark. Father Gilbert Forga. Same address.
Foster, Leonard John of North 2nd St., Mena, Ark. Born July 19 1924, Mt. Ida. NOK Mrs Unie Foster. Occupation Sawmill for Three States Lumber Company, Hi way 71 Mena
Fryar, Gerald Eugene of 1000 7th St., Mena. Born July 28 1928 at Oden. Married. NOK Mrs Gerald Fryar. Occupation: Truck driver for Kirby Kelly, making and hauling poles, Hatfield, Ark.
Fryar, L.V of Mena. Born Jan. 2 1931, Pin Ridge. NOK Flem Fryar of Mena. Army National Guard 25426731 Dec. 30 1947 T/5 437th F.A. BN Service Btry.
Garrett, Odell (NMI) of Mena born May 28th 1935, Mena. NOK A.K. Wilhite, same address (Grandfather). National Guard Jan. 1953 937th F.A.
Gillean, Leon Junior of 1110 South Second Street, Mena. Born July 9 1936, Pine Ridge. NOK Arlie Gillean, same address. Service-station, Darris Standridge Service Station, Highway #71 North. Mena. Ark National Guard NG 25433877 27 Jan 1954 PVT (E-2) 937th FA BN
Gillean, Lonnie (NMN) of Mena. Born Jan.. 25 1934 Pine Ridge, Ark. NOK A.M. Gillean, father.
Gillean, Otis Chester of 1301 Reves St., Mena Born April 21 1924, Norman, Ark. Married. NOK Mrs Artie Marie Gillean. Truck driving, hauling pulpwood logs
Golden, Tillman Eugene of Mena. Married. NOK Mrs Marie Golden (mother). Born June 9 1934, Hopper, Ark. US Nay 3485632 21 Nov 1951 to 9 June 1955 USS Layte. US Navy Reserve HM3 8th Naval District new Orleans, La.
Gortemiller, Billy Ray of 39 6 Holly St., Mena. Born Feb. 12 1938, Oden. NOK Roy Gortemiller, father, same address. Makes boxes for Badger Manufacturing Co., Mena
Goss, Seldon Dewy, Rt. 3 Mena, AR. Born Feb. 19 1936, Oden, AR. NOK Mrs Wilburn Cagle, Oden (sister). Selective Service No. 3 57 36 15
Goss, Selwyn George. Rt. 3 Mena, AR. Born Feb. 19 1936, Oden, AR. NOK Mrs Wilburn Cagle, Oden (sister). Selective Service No. 3 57 36 16
Hackney, Charley William of Pine Ridge, AR. Born June 2 1926, Pine Ridge. NOK John Hackney, Pine Ridge. Farmer, self employed, Pine Ridge, Polk Co., AR. Married.
Head, Jerry Edwin born January 24 1939, Black Springs. NOK Lester E. Head of Cherry Hill, AR. Arkansas National Guards NG 25433853 11 Oct. 1956 Pvt. E-1 Btry A., 937th FA Bn. Wears glasses.
Head, Johnny Lester. Born 27 May 1940, Black Springs. NOK Lester Head, Cherry Hill, Ark.
Hogan, Jr Claud "L" 510 4th St., Mena. Born Oct. 27 1926, Norman, Ark. NOK Claud Hogan. Navy 9745722 Jan 11 1945 to Sept 17 1945. USS Gatling DD 671
Hunt, Clessie Chester born Fe. 6 1926, Mt. Ida, ARK. Contact Mrs Bobby Devitt, Mena. Army 39734413 Jan. 2 1945 to Feb. 23 1945. 7th FA Replacement Tr. Reg.
Johnson, Ernest P, born Feb. 26 1923, Pine Ridge Ark. Married. NOK J.M. Johnson. Mena.
Jones, Jefferson William born 1 Jan. 1936 at Oden. NOK Carl L. Jones of Mena, father. Timber work for self and father. Cut timber & pulpwood.
Jones, Robert Fred of Mena. Born July 16 1939, Mt. Ida. NOK Buster (C.L.) Jones. Haul pulp wood for self & father.
Kirk, John D. (IO) of Ransom Rd, Mena. Born Feb. 10 1937, Oden. NOK Orville Kirk, father.
Kirk, Otis Lee, Mena. Born May 15 1925, Oden. NOK J.W. Kirk. Army 3662587 March 17 1944 to July 16 1947 902 Ordinances HM Co.
Kirk, Ray Ownes, Mena. Born Aug. 16 1927, Oden. NOK John Kirk. General farming ½ mile east of Mena.
Ledbetter, Leo Loyd of Mena. NOK Jess Ledbetter of Mena. Occupation: snapping corn.
Marshall, Hollis Edward of Pine Ridge. Born Jan. 22 1927 at Pine Ridge. Genl. delivery, Pine Ridge. Farmer, self employed, State Highway 88, Polk, AR. Contact Dick Huddleston, Gen. delivery, Pine Ridge, Ark. Army 38740640 April 20 1945 to Dec. 13 1946. HQ Base SV SQ 5th AAF.
Marshall, John Nicolas of Pine Ridge, Polk County, Ark. NOK Herman Marshall, Pine Ridge. Local Board No. 57
Martin, Eddie (NMN) of Mena. Born Sept. 17 1937, Pine Ridge, ARK. NOK Mrs Waddie Carr, Mena, (mother). Student Acorn HS.
Mayberry, Leon (NMN) of Potter, Polk Co. Born July 3 1934 Mt. Ida, AR. NOK Mrs Arless Mayberry, Potter. Works for father pole & timber.
Morgan, Joseph Herman of Ink, born Oct. 25 1926, Pine Ridge AR. Married. NOK Mrs Lillie Morgan, Star Rt., Ink. Army 38736141 Jan. 11 1945 to Nov. 29 1946. T/5 Enlisted Reserve.
Priddy, Edward Louis, Mena. Polk Co. AR Born March 15 1934, Sims, AR. NOK L.D. Priddy. Student Mena HS.
Priddy, Ottis Lavandar of Mena. Born Feb. 6th 1937 Simms [sic], AR. NOK Dewy Priddy of Mena (father)
Quinn, Austin Leon of Mena. Born June 26 1927 Sulphur Springs, Ark. Self employed farmer, 3 miles east of Big Fork, Montgomery County, AR. NOK Mrs Grace Quinn, Mena. Army 38752031 July 13 1945 to March 28 1947. 529th QM Salvage Co.
Roberts, Argus Franklin, of Mena, born April 14 1924 Pine Ridge AR. NOK G.W. Roberts of Rt 1., Mena. A.A.F. 38288582 Ser18 1942 to Dec. 8 1948 830th BN Walker A.A. F Base, Rosewell, N.M.
Roberts, James Alexander born Sept. 8 1922 Pine Ridge. Married. NOK Thelma Lois Roberts of Mena, 511 De Queen. Air Corps 38288565 Oct. 2 1942 to July 15 1945 347th Bombardment Sq.
Roberts, Thurman Harry Rt 1, Mena. Born Sept. 1 1928, Waters, Ark. NOK G.W. Roberts, Farming, self employed, producing farm products.
Rowton, L (IO) James of 410 N. 4th St. Mena born Sept. 18 1932 Mariana, AR. Truck Driver for Polk County Lumber Co. Planer [sic]. Nok Ed Rowton same address.
Rowton, Raymond Leon of 711 9th St., Mena. Born July 10 1925 Norman AR. Married. NOK Velma Rowton, Occupation: Loading poles for Midwest Creosoting Co -treating poles.
Sanders, Levi Roy of Mena born Dec. 5 1922, Norman, AR. Married. NOK Virginia Sanders. Farmer self employed. Rt 2, Mena. Signal Corp. 38507403 May 18 1943 to Jan. 14 1946. 842 Signal Service. Sergeant.
Scantling, Glen (NMN) of Mena. Born Feb. 12 1931 Bonnerville, Ark NOK Granville, Scantling of Mena. Occupation Truck driver for Granville Scantling, lumber, Polk County.
Shaw, Otis Doyle of Mena. Born Sept. 6 1935 Norman, Ark. NOK Mrs Nellie Shaw, Gen. Del. Mena, mother. Student Mena HS.
Shaw, Thomas Joe of Mena. Born May 30 1931 Mariana, AR. Contact Mrs C.E. Fields, Mena. Full time Student
Simpson, Dallas (NMN) NOK Earl Simpson, Pine Ridge. Full time student. Born Nov. 28 1929.  Single
Singleton, Arldean (NM) of Mena. Born Oden July 10 1033. NOK Z.F. Singleton Rt 1 Mena, father. US Army RA 18375505 20 Oct 1950 to 22 Oct. 1953 45th Arid Med. Bn.
Singleton, Gerald Dean born Oden May 24 1937. Address Ransom Rd, Mena. NOK Z.F. Singleton. Occupation Culvert manufacturing for R &R Mfg. Co. US Air Force AF 18467170 26 July 1954 to 10 April  1957. Rose tattoo upper right arm.
Standridge, Charles Dean born Board Camp. NOK Dave Standridge. Mena
Stewart, Earl Eugene of Mena. Born March 21 1930, Mt Ida. NOK Dr. G.T. Stewart of Mena. Occupation: full time student.
Stewart, Gordon Troup of Mena born Sept. 1914 Mt Ida, Ark. Occupation: Physician. 2nd Medical Corps Reserve from Dec. 1941 to March 1944
Wilhite, Dale Denver of Mena born Mauldin Nov 3 1923. NOK Mrs Hazel Wilhite,  Army 38503595 March 9 1943 to Feb. 20 1946.
Wilhite, J.V. born Jan 1 1931 Oden. NOK A.M. Wilhite, Mena. Sawmiller for J.W. Golden of Acorn. Rough lumber.

Lee County, AR
Coffman, Noel Norman of Rt 2 Moro, Ark. Born May 18 1923, Norman, Ark. Cotton grower for C.E. Dozier, Moro. Married. Widower. NOK Shirley Coffman, Rt 2. Moro. Army Ordnance 38728191 March 14 1946 to March 26 1947 233rd Munitions.
Curl, Danal Junior born Sept. 7 1931, Mt. Ida, Ark. Rt 3, Marianna, Ark. NOK Al F. Curl, Marianna.
Embrey, Kenneth (NMN) born July 28 1931 Mt. Ida, Ark, of Gen Del. Marianna. Married. NOK Mrs Claver Embrey Rt 4 Marianna, Ark. 

Draft Boards

Montgomery County ArkansasGenWeb Project