OBU has 1 folder ; 28 cm. Print Book 2006 Contents: A history of the Church
(1959) -- Sixtieth anniversary, 1914-1974.
First Baptist Church (Mount. Ida, Ark.)
Images || Cemeteries ||
County Line, Gaston, Hillside, Owley and Sweet Home churches do not hold Sunday Services only funerals.
After determining the church with which your ancestor had affiliation locate the records of the church in the locality where your ancestor lived. Nearly impossible! Many church records are now being microfilmed by the churches themselves and by historical societies to preserve the records and make them available for sale or for reading but not in Montgomery County, AR. Regardless of family's present or past denomination, look for family information in records of other churches in the area.
It would be most helpful if researchers or private owners, etc. who locate or hold church records could take the following action: Lodge the document itself (when and if no longer required), with the most appropriate or convenient public collection (Heritage House Museum in Mt. Ida, Arkansas Historical Commission, Riley Library or Bailey Library) or arrange for one of these institutions to make a copy of the material for their retention.
The WPA made inventories of county and state records between 1936 and 1943. They provide historical background and descriptions of records at government and church archives. The unpublished inventories are usually at the state archives or the local libraries they describe. These directories help in learning what is available and give clues to there whereabouts.
A Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations in the State of Arkansas / Prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration. Little Rock, Ark. : 1942.
The Clayton Library, Houston TX has Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas
no. 49 Montgomery County (Mt. Ida) and CHURCH ARCHIVES for Arkansas Vol.
II which covers the churches by geographic areas but the information is now outdated
and records are practicably untraceable.
Caddo River Baptist
Association minutes.
Guide to Vital Records in Arkansas
Volume II
Prepared by
The Arkansas Historical Survey Project
Division of Community Service Programs
Works Project Administration
Little Rock, Arkansas
The Historical Records Survey
May, 1942
*Sulphur Springs Baptist Church 1908, Alf Rt, 1.
Register: 1928-- Record of Members, Vol. 1 in custody of Ruthie Mae Sherman, Clerk, Alf
Rt, 1
*Black Springs Baptist Church, approx.: 1880--
Register: 1928-- Record of Members, Vol. 1 in custody of Miss Belle Rhinehart,
clerk, Black Springs
*Mt Gilead Baptist Church, approx.: 1838-- Black Springs.
Register: 1917-- Record of Members, Vol. 1 in custody of Varney Love, clerk, Black
Mazarn Presbyterian Church, 1938--
Bonnerdale, Rt, 1. (Mazarn)
Register 1938-- Record of Baptisms, Members, and Deaths. (in session records) 1 vol., in
custody of
Rev. John Tillman Barr, Norman.
*Caddo Gap Baptist Church, 1909--Caddo Gap
Register: Record of Members, 2 vols.1913-17 1922-30 custody of Mrs Ruby
Hann, Caddo Gap.
1932--1 vol. in custody of Rev. B.D. Milllsapps, Caddo Gap
[2005. The church celebrated their 100th anniversary. Records still available.
See Montgomery Cointy News April 21st 2005. Founded in 1905 when a group
of ladies met at the home of Mrs W.H. Howard and formed a "Baptist Ladies Aid
Society." Bro. B.D. Millsapps was the first pastor. The first deacons were W.C.
Benson, S.A. Hanna and C.C. O'Neal. The original church building was burned and
the present building was built in 1926 a weatherboard structure painted white,
situated on a hillside with a rock wall to keep the grounds stable that was
replaced in 1999. The church building has undergone several expansions,
remodeling and continued upkeep. The bell tower still houses the bell. The
church has no baptistery, but it does have the Caddo River nearby. The
fellowship hall was built in 1997 by "Church in a Day". Church members
raised the money to buy the material by holding yard and bake sales. Today
members are selling a cook book "Feeding the Flock" with recipes complied
from members. Today approximately 70 names are on the membership roll with
50 being active members. The present pastor is Darren Green. Morning
worship is at 11 am. and 6 pm. Sunday.]
*Oak Grove Baptist Church 1888-- Caddo Gap
Register 1940-- Record of Members, 1 vol., in custody of Virgil Anderson, clerk, Caddo
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. 1866 - Caddo Gap.
Register 1926-- Record of Members, 1 vol., in custody of Arl R. Robbins, clerk, Caddo Gap
Caddo Gap Methodist Church,
1884 Caddo Gap.
Register 1885: Record of Baptisms, and Members, 2 Vol., in custody of Dr. John Henry
McIain, Caddo Gap
The Oak Grove Presbyterian Church,
1939-- Caddo Gap.
Register 1939-- Record of Baptisms, Members, and Deaths, 1 vol. in custody of Rev.
John Tillman Barr, Norman.
The Baptist Church 1890--
Register 1890--: Record of Baptisms, Members and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of Mrs Brooks
Norley, clerk, Fannie.
*Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, 1867-- Glenwood, Rt. 1
Register 1896--: Record of Members, 2 vol., in custody of Oscar Hamilton, clerk, Glenwood,
Rt. 1
County Line Methodist Church,
approx. 1867--Glenwood, Rt, 1
Register 1882-- Record of Baptisms, and Members, 1 vol., in custody of Lewis Stafford,
clerk, Glenwood.
*Assembly of God 1940 Mount
Record of Members, 1 vol., in custody of
Rev. Pearl Hardway, Mount Ida
*First Baptist Church, 1914--
Register 1914-- Record of Baptisms, Communicants, and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of
Mrs Grace Kennedy, clerk, Mount Ida
Primitive Baptist Church, approx; 1840--
Mount Ida, Crystal Springs, Route
Register 1897-- Record of Members, and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of James W.
Standridge, Mount Ida
Church of God 1901-25
Mount Ida, Silver Rt.
Register 1907-25. Record of Members, Marriages and Deaths, 1 vol., in
custody of David Wheeler, Mount Ida.
Church of God 1901-25
Mount Ida, Gaston Rt.
Register 1919--. Record of Deaths, and Members, 1 vol., in custody of
Monore Reed, clerk, Mount Ida
Church of God 1938
Mount Ida
*Register 1938. Record of Baptisms, and Members, 1 vol., in
custody of Mrs Roas Morfort, Mount Ida.
The Methodist Church,
Mount Ida, Gaston Rt.
Register 1884-1900. Record of Baptisms, Deaths, and Members, 1 vol., in custody of
Lon Scott, clerk, Mt Ida, Gaston Route.
page 394 continued
*The Presbyterian Church, 1916 Mount Ida
Register 1916--: Record of Baptisms, Births, Communicants, Deaths, and Marriages, 1 vol.,
1 vol. in custody of Rev. John Tillman Barr, Norman.
The Presbyterian Church, 1924-1938
Mount Ida, Oden Route
Register 1924-38: Record of Baptisms, Members, Marriages, and Deaths, 1 vol. in custody of
Rev. John Tillman Barr, Norman.
The Presbyterian
Church, 1929-- Mount Ida, Washita Rt.
Register 1929--: Record of Baptisms, Births, Communicants, Deaths, and Marriages, 1 vol.,
1 vol. in custody of Rev. John Tillman Barr, Norman.
The Presbyterian Church, 1932--
Mount Ida, Norman Rt. (Owley Presbyterian Church)
Register 1932--: Record of Baptisms, Births, Communicants, Deaths, and Marriages, 1 vol.,
in custody of Rev. John Tillman Barr, Norman.
Liberty Baptist Church, approx.: 1850-- Norman, Rt. 1
Register 1923--: Record of Deaths and Members, 1 vol., in custody of Ruth Harbor, clerk,
Norman, Rt., 1.
Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 1882-1921 Norman, Rt. 1.
Register 1881-1921: Record of Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of Alonzo Jones, clerk,
Norman Rt. 1 1919--
Norman Baptist Church, 1912-- Norman, Rt. 1
Register 1919--: Record of Members, 1 vol., in custody of Faye Atchley, clerk, Norman.
*Norman Methodist Church, 1910--Norman
Register 1910--: Record of Baptisms, Marriages and Members, 1 vol., in custody of Mrs
Minerva Simpson, sec. Norman. webpage
Good Hope Presbyterian Church, 1926--Norman,
Rt. 1 (Womble)
Register 1926--: Record of Baptisms, Members, Marriages and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of
Rev. John T. Barr, Norman.
Norman Presbyterian Church 1908--Norman
Register 1908--: Record of Baptisms, Births, Communicants, Deaths, and Marriages, 1 vol.,
in custody of
Rev. John T. Barr, Norman.
Church Profile.
Caddo Valley Academy
Gretta Barr
Primitive Baptist Church, 1881 Oden
Register 1881--: Record of Baptisms, Births, Members and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of
Frank Fryar, clerk, Oden
*The Baptist Church, 1873-- Oden, Rt. 1. (Brushy not Buck
Register 1904-29: Record of Baptisms, Members and Deaths, 2 vol., in custody of Hugh
Singleton, clerk, Oden, Rt. 1.
The Baptist Church, 1904--. Oden, Opal Route
Register 1904-37: Record of Baptisms and Members, 1 vol., in custody of Bulah Risenhoover
(not Rishoover), clerk, Oden, Opal Route.
*The Baptist Church, 1914--. Oden
Register 1916-32 1938--: Record of Baptisms and Deaths, 2 vol., in custody of Gip Standridge
(not Stoodidge) clerk, Oden
The Baptist Church, 1918--. Oden (?Mt. Olive)
Register 1918--: Record of Members and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of Levi Carmack, clerk,
The Methodist Church, 1884-- Oden, Rt. 1
Register 1886-1922: Record of Deaths, Marriages and Members, 1 vol., in custody of E.P.
Leonard, clerk, Oden
The Methodist Church, 1916
Register 1925--: Record of Baptisms, and Members, 1 vol., in custody of A.J. Plemmons,
clerk, Oden
*The Baptist Church 1938-- Pine Ridge
Register 1938--: Record of Baptisms and Deaths, 1 vol., in custody of Riley Standridge,
Pine Ridge
The Methodist Church,
1894-1938 Pine Ridge
Register 1894-1938: Record of Baptisms, and Members, 1 vol., in custody of Fate
Standridge, clerk, Oden
The Baptist Church 1905-23; 1927-35 Silver, (Joplin Rt.)
Register 1907-23 1927-35: Record of Baptisms, Deaths and Members, vol., in custody
of W.H. Smith, clerk Silver, Joplin Rt.
Church of God 1885-- Sims, Rt 2
Register 1877--: Record of Baptisms, Deaths and Members, 3 vol., in custody of
Hazel Qualls, clerk, Story
The Baptist Church 1886--
Register 1914--: Record of Baptisms, Deaths, Marriages and Members, 1 vol., in
custody of Alta Linderman, clerk, Story
Church of God 1888-- Story
Register 1889-1910 1915--: Record of Baptisms, Deaths, Marriages and Members, 4 vol., in
custody of Mrs W.D. Smith, clerk, Story
*Church of God 1933-- Story
Register 1933--: Record of Baptisms, Deaths and Members, 1 vol., in custody of Miss Jewel
Story, clerk, Story
*The Baptist Church 1894-1921 1939--
Register 1894-1921: Record of Baptisms, Deaths and Members, 1 vol., in custody of
Frank Mayberry. clerk, Story
1. Are the records are still in the custody of the church and does that
church still exist?
2. An advertisement in a local newspaper will often lead to the whereabouts of records in
private hands.
2. Ask ministers, deacons, residents, archivists etc.
3. Have any of the records been published in periodicals?
4. Libraries and historical societies have collected church records.
and these are readily available for searching.
Church histories can be found in Montgomery County: Our Heritage Vol. 1 and the Lone Valley Church of God history page 1049 Vol. II.
Montgomery County News. Snippets of ministers appeared frequently in Y2K as well as the history of a Norman Church.
The Montgomery County Courthouse, Clerk's Office. In vault. Record of
Ministers Credentials 1846---. In Deed Record entry 6; incidental recordings
1852-1927, marriage Record, entry 103. Record of ministers credentials, showing date of
instrument, name of minister, denomination with which he is affiliated, date ordained and
recording certificate.
Church Records
Buckville Baptist Church 1904 Pastor J.W. Shepherd - Clerk S. Hatmaker Members 42 - Messengers to Assoc. meeting - George Williamson 1907 Pastor W.L. Cockrell - Clerk Robert Bradley Membership 53 - Messengers Robert Bradley, G.L. Williamson 1909 Pastor J.P. Emery - Clerk G.L. Williamson Messengers - G.L. Williamson, Dr. M.V. Pool & Wife M.E. Pool 1910 Pastor M.C. Melton - Clerk G.L. Williamson Membership 33 - No Messengers 1911 Pastor M.C. Melton - Clerk G.L. Williamson " 47 - Messenger W.H. Osborn 1912 Pastor M.C. Melton - Clerk G.L. Williamson " 112 Baptized 36, received by letter 31 1913 Pastor M.C. Melton - Clerk G.L. Williamson " 118 - Messenger W.H. Osborn 1916 Pastor J.P. Emery - Clerk G.L. Williamson Membership 132 - Messenger Rev. E.S. Robbins The Buckville Association of Baptist Churches was organized at Mount Tabor Church, Garland Co. Oct. 17 & 18, 1890 This area had been Montgomery Co. E.P. Chitwood Moderator H.H. Williamson Clerk 1891 Session held at Buckville, E.P. Chitwood Moderator, H.H. Williamson Clerk 1892 at Bethel South Fourche same Mod. & clerk, Introductory Sermon by John Crawford 1893 at Concord Yell Co. S.D. Taylor Moderator, H.H. Williamson Clerk 1894 at Prarie Grove Montgomery Co. E.P. Chitwood Mod. S.D. Taylor Clerk. intor. Sermon W.A. Clark 1895 at Cedar Glades Montgomery Co. Same Mod. & Clerk, Intro. Sermon S.D. Taylor. 1896 at Refuge Story H.W. Melton Mod. S.D. Taylor Clerk & Intro. Sermon 1897 at Harveys Chapel Hawes(Mtn. Pine) J.W. Shephard Mod. S.D. Taylor Clerk, Intro. Sermon J.W. Shepherd 1898 at Marble Beaudry (5 miles east of Jessieville) J.W. Shepherd Mod. J.T. Blakely Clerk, Intro. Sermon J.W. Shepherd 1899 at White Plains Buckville J.W. Shepherd Mod. J.T. Blakely Clerk, Intro. Sermon D.H. Smith from Marble 1900 at Pleasant Hill Montgomery Co. M.C. Melton Mod. J.T. Blakely Clerk, Intro. Sermon M.C. Melton*A few of the Montgomery Co. churches today another listing
First Presbyterian Church Mt Ida 204 Cedar St
Barr Memorial Presbyterian Church Norman
A long standing Baptist
tradition was to give "letters" stating the person is a member in good standing
to people moving away from a church. Such letters are generally mentioned in the
minutes. If you are lucky, you can find mention of "letters" of all the members
of a wagon train if they were all Baptist and establish the year of the journey.
Church records can be vital in reconstructing your family roots. Great grandpa, a Primitive Baptist, was born and buried without the events being registered and now his grave is under a lake so no headstone. It took me years to discover that he died in 1936. His son Lloyd was a deacon at the Pleasant Hill Primitive Baptist Church in the Hurricane Grove area. I am looking for the church records. The clerk of the church has the records back to 1950. There was a Meyer Creek Primitive Baptist Church and the records were with Jane O'Neal but she died two years ago. Posted July 2001.
Sweethome Church.
Montgomery County ArkansasGenWeb Project
Page last updated 01 February, 2022