Bradley County Court Claims

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No. Date Name Appropriation Amount By Whom Received Remarks
1866 - Continued
31 Apr 4 J. N. Pennington County 3.30 J. N. Pennington County Purposes
32 Apr 5 A. B. Coward County 590.24 A. B. Coward County Services
33 Apr 5 T. L. Jackson County 611.11 Evetts County Services
34 Apr 6 John Brady County 20.00 C. K. Brady Tan ??????
35 Apr 6 John Brady County 2.81 John Brady County
36 Apr 6 H. R. Brady County 111.00 John Brady Stationery
37 Apr 7 Wm. Bradley County 28.00 Wm. Bradley County
38 Apr 7 H. G. Hall County 31.32 H. G. Hall County
39 Apr 7 J. C. Bratten County 30.00 J. C. Bratton County
40 Apr 7 W. B. Hargis County 11.00 W. B. Hargis W. B. Hargis
41 Apr 7 R. N. Koraz??? County 6.00 B. C. ?kegg County
42 Apr 7 Joe Neeley County 8.00 John C. Bratton Coffin
43 Apr 9 N. G. Wiess County 25.00 John Brady ?nip
44 Apr 9 N. G. Wiess County 50.00 ?. T. Jackson ?nip
45 Apr 9 Dan Able County 10.00 John Brady Pauper
46 Apr 9 Dan Able County 10.00 John Brady Pauper
47 Apr 10 J. W. Moore, Guard County 35.00 J. W. Moore J. M. Merritt, Pauper
48 Apr 10 J. W. Moore, Guard County 35.00 J. W. Moore J. M. Merritt, Pauper
49 Apr 14 N. H. Wise County 15.00 N. H. Wise Judge of Co. Court
50 Apr 14 N. H. Wise County 30.00 N. H. Wise Judge of Probate Court
51 Apr 17 J. Jenkins County 28.00 John Jenkins County Expenses
52 Apr 20 John Ramsey County 100.00 John Ramsey County Expenses
53 Apr 23 Wm. M. Van County 12.00 Wm. M. Van County Expenses
54 Apr 23 N. H. Wise County 5.00 N. H. Wise County Expenses
55 Apr 23 J. N. Pennington County 3.21 J. N. Pennington County Expenses
56 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 10.00 John Brady  
57 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 15.00 John Brady  
58 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 5.00 John Brady  
59 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 15.00 John Brady  
60 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 5.00 John Brady  
61 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 20.00 John Brady  
62 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 10.00 John Brady  
63 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 15.00 John Brady  
64 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 5.00 John Brady  
65 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 25.00 John Brady  
66 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 25.00 John Brady  
67 Apr 24 W. G. Wiess County 50.00 John Brady  
68 Apr 29 Sam McKinney County 10.00 J. Nilson Pauper
69 May 4 W. G. Wiess County 200.00 W. G. Wiess Clerk
70 May 17 Z. L. Crawford County 12.92 Z. L. Crawford Wm. Crawford
71 May 17 Z. L. Crawford County 7.92 Z. L. Crawford Wm. Crawford
72 May 19 T. M. Goodwin County 5.00 T. M. Goodwin Co. Services
73 May 19 M. D. Morgan County 5.00 Joseph Wise  
74 May 19 M. D. Morgan County 5.00 Joseph Wise  
75 May 19 M. D. Morgan County 5.00 Joseph Wise  
76 May 19 M. D. Morgan County 5.00 Joseph Wise  
77 May 19 N. G. Wise County 35.00 N. G. Wise ?. ?. Martin
78 Apr 19 ?. ?. ? County 4.00 ?. ?. ?. J. W. Martin

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Many thanks to Bill Sharp for typing these court cases, to Jann Woodard for coordinating the project, and to Peggy Bowman for providing the material.

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